Insight Search

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  • Survey

    August 8, 2022
    Supply chain risk is the dominant issue for the Manufacturing and Distribution industry group in 2022 and 2031 – but there’s more Massive disruptions in the global supply chain. Challenges in attracting and retaining talent to address needs all across the enterprise. COVID-19 variants. Cyber attacks and ransomware. Wildfires and flooding. Geopolitical tensions in specific regions and shifts on…
  • Video

    June 14, 2022
    According to S&P, the combined current stock market value ($9.3 trillion) of the five tech titans (Apple, Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and Facebook) is more than the value of the next 27 most valuable U.S. companies put together. With growth accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic and the demand for digital services comes greater power and increased concerns. How do tech companies strike the…
  • Whitepaper

    January 14, 2022
    Lo scorso 10 giugno il Garante della Privacy italiano, in accordo con quanto già fatto da altre Autorità Privacy Europee, come ICO in UK, CNIL in Francia e AEPD in Spagna, ha pubblicato le proprie “Linee Guida sui Cookie e altri strumenti di tracciamento”, che costituiscono un aggiornamento del Provvedimento “Individuazione delle modalità semplificate per l’informativa e l’acquisizione del…
  • Newsletter

    September 16, 2019
    Più veloci e più analitici Basterebbero questi due obiettivi per indicare la direzione di marcia dell’Internal Audit nella rivoluzione digitale che sta modificando l’economia e le sue regole. L’innovazione non è mai stata così rapida, probabilmente moltiplicherà le sue potenzialità nei prossimi anni, ma contribuirà anche a rendere il sistema più fluido, incerto e complesso. Questa crescente…
  • Whitepaper

    December 14, 2020
    Technology, media and telecommunications (TMT) companies are entering the new year with wind in their sails, having weathered the ongoing era of lockdowns, quarantines and remote working better than many other companies. Thanks to a strong demand for digital services, collaboration tools and other technology infrastructure needed to support the shift in working and living habits, TMT companies…
  • Survey

    January 19, 2022
    TMT industry leaders view restrictive government policies, economic uncertainty and talent gap among major risk driversRestrictive government policies, the talent shortage, third-party outsourcing arrangements, disruptive digital technologies, and, of course, the persisting pandemic are the dominant risk issues being discussed in boardrooms and executive suites across the Technology, Media and…
  • Newsletter

    October 17, 2023
    The manner that failure is embraced instead of feared in a business can improve the way the company evolves and responds to new market opportunities.
  • Whitepaper

    March 15, 2021
    C’era una volta il Process Mining, una tecnica di analisi avanzata dei processi aziendali basata sull’acquisizione delle impronte lasciate utilizzando i sistemi informativi. Obiettivo: ricostruire la sequenza delle attività, individuare con precisione e puntualità le aree critiche, indirizzare gli interventi per il miglioramento continuo. Una tecnica fact-based e data-driven. Questo accadeva…
  • Newsletter

    February 14, 2021
    Our global survey of C-level executives and directors about macroeconomic, strategic and operational risks highlights the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the economy, digital technology, talent and organisational resiliency on the risk landscape over the near term.[1] Our survey captures insights from 1,081 C-level executives and directors, 39% of whom represent companies based in North…
  • Newsletter

    June 12, 2024
    Acute talent shortages across numerous industries underscore the risks emanating from outdated, reactionary approaches to managing people, succession and culture. The question arises, what is the board’s role in forging a 21st-century approach to managing talent?Changing times have led to fleeting employee loyalty, as talented individuals have more options than ever before with greater…