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  • Whitepaper

    August 3, 2022
    Introduction Corporate boards and executive leaders are waking up to a new world with the disconcerting realisation that they don’t know what they don’t know about their supply chains. This lack of transparency marks a pivotal and pervasive challenge to the board’s strategic oversight and governance of supply chain risks, and it comes with a heavy price tag. A slew of major supply chain…
  • Whitepaper

    September 22, 2021
    Covid-19, the economy, racial equity and climate. These are what the Biden-Harris transition team initially identified as the priorities of its administration. Since President Biden took office, other pressing issues such as immigration, cyber defense, and the U.S.’s exit from Afghanistan have been added to the list. The financial services industry wasn’t expected to, and does not, make the list…
  • Whitepaper

    November 24, 2022
    Why technology companies should care about the EU’s Digital Services Act A new and dramatic approach to regulating big technology firms is coming into force across the European Union. The Digital Services Act (DSA), which the European Council signed into law on September 15, 2022, aims to protect the digital space against the spread of illegal content, particularly on social networks, content…
  • Whitepaper

    March 24, 2023
    By Carol Beaumier and Bernadine Reese Sharing information and lessons learned has become increasingly critical for the effective management of cybercrime and related financial crime. This need requires financial institutions to rethink how they have historically managed these risks.
  • Client Story

    December 16, 2021
    Solving complex identity and access management issues for an organisation often requires finesse, collaboration and the ability to creatively meet the needs of all aspects of the business with a single solution. One global biopharmaceutical company discovered the power of collaboration as it worked to replace an existing access management implementation, harmonising two distinct populations(…
  • Podcast

    April 19, 2023
    Data management is a critical component of an organisation’s reporting and required disclosures, whether they are for regulatory authorities or stakeholders. The needs are no different when it comes to environmental, social and governance (ESG) – an area of growing global importance for organisations worldwide. In this podcast, Protiviti Associate Director Alyse Mauro Mason interviews Protiviti…
  • Podcast Transcript

    June 16, 2023
    Data management is a critical component of an organisation’s reporting and required disclosures, whether they are for regulatory authorities or stakeholders. The needs are no different when it comes to environmental, social and governance (ESG) – an area of growing global importance for organisations worldwide. In this podcast, Protiviti Associate Director Alyse Mauro Mason interviews Protiviti…
  • Whitepaper

    September 20, 2020
    In early August 2020, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) released a consultative document, titled “Principles for Operational Resilience,” that proposed a pragmatic yet flexible approach to operational resilience, one intended to be principles-based. Publication of the consultative document was expected and timely, coming amid a growing regulatory focus on operational risks and the…
  • Client Story

    June 30, 2023
    A $1 billion educational services holding company that operates in the U.S., Australia and New Zealand needed to transform its finance operations. The organisation, which operates numerous higher-education institutions and provides a workplace educational benefits administration solution, enrolled more than 100,000 students in its universities and served 50,000 workplace learners in 2021, growing…
  • Whitepaper

    May 3, 2021
    Regulatory agencies around the world have intensified their focus on financial institutions’ customer service activities amid a dramatic COVID-19- related surge in complaints. These stepped-up regulatory efforts come during a period when many customer services functions have been forced to pivot to 100% remote operations and as many financial services companies are looking to build up their…