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  • Insights paper

    March 15, 2024
    A shift in mindset to a strategic sourcing strategy anticipates and mitigates supply chain risk while improving resilience and responsiveness, still aiming to reduce total cost of ownership.
  • Whitepaper

    February 4, 2021
    The healthcare technology landscape is experiencing a full-blown disruption with growing global health impacts from the likes of pandemics (COVID-19), global cyberattacks (WannaCry) and the overall push to innovative digital and advanced analytics capabilities aimed at increasing the quality of care, improving the health of communities, reducing costs and connecting the patient across various…
  • Whitepaper

    March 28, 2022
    As governments across the globe, including the EU, US, Canada, UK, Japan, Singapore and more, have imposed sanctions on Russia, with promises of additional action if Russia persists with its war on Ukraine, financial institutions and their customers are forced to review their trade and commodities transactions involving Russia to assess their legal and reputation risk. These reviews are…
  • Whitepaper

    December 15, 2021
    Key takeaways Organisational resiliency is the name of the game, reinforcing the importance of a risk-focused board. A long-term risk perspective augments the board’s short-term risk awareness and governance. The board owns oversight of risk through established, regularly reported metrics.
  • Podcast

    December 7, 2021
    Cybersecurity continues to be a critical area of concern for organisations and virtually any leader you ask – board members, CIOs, CFOs, and many more. But as elevated as those risks are today, the real threat may be just around the corner, particularly concerning cryptocurrency. Crypto has been viewed as highly secure, but the rapid emergence of quantum computing, which is set to deliver…
  • Whitepaper

    February 18, 2021
    Companies aggressively moved to the public cloud in 2020, driven in part by the pandemic and the shift to a remote workforce. That pace is expected to accelerate in 2021, as more and more companies move applications and data to the cloud to achieve the benefits that have been touted for years, including cost savings, flexibility and on-demand scalability. It would be a challenge for an individual…
  • Whitepaper

    September 29, 2021
    Key Findings From the Latest Survey Conducted by Protiviti and AHIA on Healthcare Provider Organisation Internal Audit Plan Priorities Even before the COVID-19 public health emergency, healthcare organisations were challenged in their mission to deliver high-quality patient care due to provider and staff shortages. Many healthcare organisations have been forced to make severe and often morale-…
  • Blogs

    February 21, 2024
    This blog post was authored by Ellen Holder - Director, Sustainability and ESG Lead Europe with Protiviti Germany on The Protiviti View.What happened – The European Parliament and the European Council have reached agreement on a proposal to delay certain adoption timelines of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). The provisional agreement now only needs to be endorsed and…
  • Video

    September 7, 2020
    A line-up of eminent panelists in operational resilience discussed how organisations have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic and what it means for their operational resilience planning going forward, including the potential impact on critical third party vendors.
  • Flash Report

    November 1, 2016
    La lotta alla criminalità dei “colletti bianchi” ha portato, negli ultimi anni, a una proliferazione di leggi e regolamenti in materia di Anticorruzione sia a livello internazionale che nazionale e, di conseguenza, a un crescente livello di complessità del contesto normativo in cui le aziende operano. In particolare, l’esigenza di confrontarsi con normative diverse tra loro e in continua…