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  • Whitepaper

    July 27, 2022
    Robotic process automation (RPA) was first used to execute predetermined, rules-based tasks twenty or so years ago. Since then, RPA has functioned as a virtual workforce for businesses, which benefit from its power to collect data, execute processes rapidly and unerringly, and facilitate higher levels of quality — while enhancing customer satisfaction.We’ve previously addressed at length the …
  • Newsletter

    February 7, 2024
    Capturing insights from over 1,100 C-level executives and directors across multiple industries with broad geographic representation, our global survey of C-level executives and directors survey offers insights for the top risks over the next 10 years out to 2034. The following table provides a context for understanding the most critical uncertainties companies face looking forward to 2034.TOP…
  • Client Story

    April 5, 2024
    A leading fundraising and branding organisation offering agency, data processing, and digital and media services was seeking a partner to facilitate the transition to NetSuite as the system of record for its operation.
  • Client Story

    December 14, 2023
    Protiviti partnered with clients to implement best-of-breed digital solutions to automate financial close processes, along with process improvements and data governance and controls solutions to resolve the issues. Change management to support accounting teams in adopting the new processes was also a key deliverable. 
  • Whitepaper

    February 8, 2023
    The digital revolution has led to an explosive growth in the amount of data created and collected, driving businesses to seek new ways to manage and discover value in the data they hold. In turn, the growth of stored data has been a longstanding management problem, which if not addressed can lead to potential vulnerabilities, data misuse, and possible data loss.
  • Podcast

    August 17, 2023
    Tonya Hummers, Managing Director at Protiviti, speaks with Sarah Olthoff, Senior Vice President and Chief Business Risk Officer at Discover Financial Services.Watch the podcast as Tonya and Sarah discuss resiliency and adaptability as key traits for succeeding in the face of challenges, the evolving nature of work environments and shifts towards hybrid models to support flexible schedules in the…
  • Newsletter

    February 21, 2023
    People and culture sit atop the list of key risk concerns of board members and executives worldwide looking out over the next 12 months as well as into 2032, according to the latest Top Risks Survey from Protiviti and NC State University’s ERM Initiative. Even amid an uncertain economy, inflationary conditions and fears of a possible recession, people, talent and culture issues stand out as…
  • Whitepaper

    January 20, 2022
    Una visione olistica e digitale per gestirlo con efficacia Con la pressione sulle supply chain seguita allo shock pandemico e alla successiva ripresa del ciclo economico, il rischio Terze Parti ha assunto un’importanza centrale e imposto una revisione del metodo con il quale è gestito. In questo Insights analizziamo le nuove sfide del Third Party Risk Management (TPRM), illustriamo il Framework…
  • Whitepaper

    May 26, 2021
    Sono trascorsi quasi 20 anni da quando, l’8 giugno 2001, è stato emanato il D.Lgs. n. 231. È arrivato il momento di chiedersi cosa ha comportato il Decreto per gli enti e quali ulteriori cambiamenti si profilano all’orizzonte, in un sistema economico sempre più interconnesso e digitalizzato. Il 27 aprile, durante la 4° tappa, sono intervenuti: Giampaolo Leone - Group Compliance Officer di …
  • Whitepaper

    May 21, 2021
    Sono trascorsi quasi 20 anni da quando, l’8 giugno 2001, è stato emanato il D.Lgs. n. 231. È arrivato il momento di chiedersi cosa ha comportato il Decreto per gli enti e quali ulteriori cambiamenti si profilano all’orizzonte, in un sistema economico sempre più interconnesso e digitalizzato. Il 27 aprile, durante la 4° tappa, sono intervenuti: Giampaolo Leone - Group Compliance Officer di …