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  • Podcast Transcript

    March 28, 2023
    Over the past year, as one crypto organisation after another has been beset by fraud or declared bankruptcy, countless headlines have surfaced warning of the death of the crypto industry. Yet the damage has been largely contained. The developments have raised many questions about digital assets, cryptocurrency and blockchain technology as well as regulation and other factors that may help the…
  • Whitepaper

    October 5, 2020
    An emerging trend among private equity firms is their growing attention to the remediation, monitoring and reporting of cybersecurity capabilities of the companies in their portfolios. Historically, they have not fully appreciated the varying degrees of cybersecurity risk relative to a company’s specific industry. And understandably, the emphasis on investing in promising businesses and improving…
  • Client Story

    March 17, 2021
    The impending retirements of two key executives would constitute a significant disruption for any enterprise. It’s even more disruptive when the business’s legacy customer relationship management (CRM) system was home-built by the departing CIO, and other legacy systems split customer data into separate collections. Under such circumstances, a few agile interventions might be called for. As with…
  • Newsletter

    March 23, 2020
    The discussion below is a more complete coverage, including examples, of the topic addressed in Issue 126 of Board Perspectives: Risk Oversight and on NACD/BoardTalk. In a crisis, clear thinking is needed in the boardroom. The unprecedented nature of the COVID-19 pandemic has set in motion one of the most abrupt disruptions in decades, leaving organisations reeling with uncertainty as fear…
  • Infographic

    November 10, 2023
    Sustainable operations seek to create a harmonious synergy between business success, societal well-being and environmental health, contributing to a more equitable and resilient future for all. The triple bottom line: people, planet, profit. Research has shown that companies having sustainability embedded into their business strategy outperform companies lacking the same. Protiviti hosted a…
  • Video

    June 23, 2022
    Protiviti recently conducted a survey of executives to explore 5G’s impact. Business leaders in various industries were surveyed about their timelines for 5G adoption, levels of investment, perceived benefits and barriers to implementation. Read our white paper for key highlights: At a Crossroad: Weighing the Realities and Risks of 5G.
  • Client Story

    December 16, 2021
    Solving complex identity and access management issues for an organisation often requires finesse, collaboration and the ability to creatively meet the needs of all aspects of the business with a single solution. One global biopharmaceutical company discovered the power of collaboration as it worked to replace an existing access management implementation, harmonising two distinct populations(…
  • Survey

    April 5, 2021
    The range of uncertainties facing energy and utilities business leaders around the globe is overwhelming. Challenges triggered by a once-in-a-century pandemic continue to unfold, combined with numerous other risk issues, such as growing social unrest and polarisation, and ever-present challenges associated with technology, digital transformation and innovation. Staying abreast of emerging risk…
  • Client Story

    November 24, 2021
    In the fiercely competitive credit card industry, banks struggle to grow their brands by differentiating their cards from all the others. Many try to do this through low rates, giveaways and various partnerships. However, the most visionary among banks understand that customer experience (CX) is at the center of success and is the engine to grow their brand. A large global bank — a Protiviti…
  • Podcast Transcript

    December 1, 2021
    Monte Carlo simulations have been around for quite a while in classical computing, and help companies model “what if scenarios” such as how pricing might change over time. Since 2015, the quantum computing industry has believed Monte Carlo simulations would be one of the best use cases to show quantum advantage. QC Ware was able to prove the feasibility of this approach recently, working with…