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  • Solution and Industry
  • 在《萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》和反虚假财务报告委员会下属发起组织委员会(COSO)合规方面,甫瀚咨询始终是公认的全球思想领导者。我们的相关出版物、基准调查和全球研讨会在市场上得到了广泛认可,并不断为市场输出监管和行业方面的最新动态。通过与具有深厚行业背景和专业知识的领导者的合作和接触,我们的客户受益良多,他们认为,《萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》的合规性应是他们关注的重点。 从流程构建到交钥匙工程,再到合理化和转型,我们已为数以百计的企业提供了《萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》合规遵循服务。
  • Solution and Industry
    Good governance and transparent reporting are expectations in today’s market.As sustainability programs and regulatory requirements evolve, governance takes on an increasingly important role in any organisation’s future plans. Governance and reporting guide your purpose and align your business and portfolio to 21st century challenges.Partnering with Protiviti’s sustainability experts provides a…
  • Solution and Industry
    We help you build a cohesive infrastructure for evaluating, mitigating, and monitoring the risk of fraud and misconduct. Dynamic changes in technology, the economic climate, business relationships, and employee workforce are driving management, boards, and shareholders to demand more agile and effective fraud risk management solutions that safeguard assets, reputation, and market value. Our…
  • Solution and Industry
  • Solution and Industry
    Are you maximising innovation, value and potential of the cloud?Our cloud managed services provide cloud production operations with off-site services and local support for routine tasks while driving continuous service improvements related to managing client systems and infrastructure. We define service levels that are appropriate to support your business objectives while balancing costs.With our…
  • Solution and Industry
    The move to the cloud is well underway. Are you on board? Protiviti’s cloud security expertise enables organisations to grow their business without sacrificing operational efficiency. Our cloud security-certified experts assist and implement enterprise strategies that support regulatory compliance efforts and business operations. The landscape of cloud security solutions needed to keep…
  • Solution and Industry
    Cloud capabilities are rapidly expanding as companies progress on their digital journeys, and it can be difficult to understand, analyse and consider so much information. Protiviti’s cloud engineering services help business leaders transform, modernise and capture value by leveraging the latest capabilities and designing solutions that simply work.We deploy the infrastructure as code and…
  • Solution and Industry
    Looking to modernise and innovate by leveraging the cloud? Establishing a strategy is about more than just moving data and applications to the cloud. We help organisations create a cloud strategy that aligns with their business priorities and create solutions to optimise performance and realise returns while managing costs.  IT leaders navigating the transition to public cloud environments…
  • Solution and Industry
    We offer the full breadth of partnering and resourcing options, from full outsourced solutions, access to subject matter experts, onshore and offshore delivery centers models, to tactical staff-augmentation. Whether you need to address a shortage of internal audit staff, require support for specialized industry and technical skills, access to delivery center capabilities, or a continuous full-…