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  • Solution and Industry
    Every organisation is different and for that reason, a one size fits all approach should not be applied to your third-party risk management (TPRM) program. Protiviti delivers third-party risk management (TPRM) solutions that are embedded into day-to-day business functions while aligning to industry and regulatory expectations. We identify cost savings, create efficiencies in processes, and…
  • Solution and Industry
    Organisations are almost universally reevaluating their enterprise applications and platforms to stay relevant and succeed in this digital era. Protiviti’s enterprise application services provide expertise to help organisations select, design, implement, maintain, and protect applications to complete the journey to business transformation. We leverage the principles of design thinking and…
  • Solution and Industry
    Supply chains demand flexible, contemporary solutions capable of addressing today’s most complex challenges. From volatile market dynamics to disruptive technologies and ever-changing customer demands, businesses are confronted with numerous obstacles that require innovative strategies to drive value and orchestration across the supply chain.Protiviti’s Supply Chain Innovation Consulting service…
  • Solution and Industry
  • Solution and Industry
    数据是数字时代的命脉。近年来,创建和使用数据的需求持续增长,没有减缓的迹象。这就需要您思考,如何保护、访问和利用数据来实现业务的增长?我们的数据和分析专家已随时准备就以下领域为您提供帮助。 我们的数据和分析团队帮助企业管理和分解数据孤岛,以识别潜在机遇并将隐藏的风险暴露出来。我们交付的最终结果便是为企业赢得竞争优势,使客户能够做出明智的商业决策,在管理风险的同时推动业绩增长。
  • Companies across the world face an increasingly complex marketplace with new reporting requirements, heightened scrutiny of company financials and filings, nonrecurring business transactions, and a shortage of experienced finance and accounting professionals. More than ever, these businesses understand that adhering to strict and ever-changing accounting and reporting requirements requires the…
  • Solution and Industry
    Commitment to sustainability is more than a project. It requires a cultural shift, transformation of core processes and introduction of key measures that support a circular economy. As customer demands and regulations evolve, we enable our clients to identify and address the sustainability risks across their supply chain and operational footprint.Protiviti’s Sustainable Operations Consulting…
  • Solution and Industry
    随着认识到支持环境、社会及管治(ESG)问题对于在市场竞争中至关重要,企业日益重视并不断发展可持续性建设。我们了解到,可持续性是企业的特色,可帮助其从竞争对手中脱颖而出,同时以不同的方式和强度影响整个组织。然而,尽管多家企业意识到采取行动已经到了刻不容缓的地步,但却发现很难从战略上解决这一问题。  我们相信可持续性是一个没有终点的旅程,一路伴随着风险与机遇。在缺乏计划或立等可用的解决方案的情况下,每家企业都需要对ESG 报告和运营采取个性化方法。甫瀚咨询与客户合作,对可持续性风险进行有效管理,在最大化机会的同时获得财务价值。我们指导客户实现效益并产生积极影响。我们的可持续性咨询和多学科主题专家随时满足您在下述领域的特定需求:
  • Solution and Industry
    The adoption of new technologies have enabled organisations to use intelligent automation to improve efficiency, enhance customer experience and reduce risks. We help your organisation develop a practical roadmap to achieve your desired transformational outcomes in the finance function. We develop a best-fit vision, and ensure your processes, procedures, and teams deliver the best possible value…
  • Solution and Industry
    Maximising data and automating functions are central to transformation and growth within an organisation.Protiviti can help you harness, analyse, and leverage data more efficiently so your organisation can make data-based business decisions.  We have the expertise and resources to deploy end-to-end solutions to transform your finance and business operations. 