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  • Today’s leaders recognise their supply chain functions as a strategic operation. Recent disruptions shifted leaders’ and customer expectations of supply chains. Supply chains had previously not received enough investment to stay competitive and were not linked to strategic goals.  Now, supply chains are expected to mitigate and even predict the disruptions we’ve seen since Covid.…
  • Solution and Industry
    Privacy risk is an ongoing challenge for organisations across industries and geographies. New regulations and laws continue to evolve rapidly, making it a challenge for organisations to remain compliant with privacy expectations. Protiviti’s privacy compliance experts identify key risks, address compliance gaps, and provide recommendations and the remediation support necessary to maintain…
  • Companies with healthy, purpose-driven cultures outperform those who are lacking. They attract the best talent, have employees that are more engaged and tend to retain their top performers, compared to their peers.    Protiviti’s data-driven, proprietary framework equips organisations with the right tools to measure, manage and transform your culture, all with the goal of helping your…
  • Solution and Industry
    甫瀚咨询的交易服务能帮助企业评估各项交易,充分了解机遇和风险。一旦交易启动,甫瀚咨询便会帮助企业快速推进,降低交易对日常运营所造成的业务干扰,同时实施变革,实现企业的预期价值。 全球的企业都在通过交易寻求竞争优势,但许多企业并未实现其预期价值。未实现的原因通常是由于尽职调查不力、运营筹备和执行不充分,或者低估了交易中的工作量所致。 作为值得信赖的顾问,甫瀚咨询的交易服务专家提供精深的洞察与评估,使领导层能够充分了解并理解机遇、风险和预期回报。一旦交易启动,我们便与领导层展开合作,快速推进,减少因交易对日常运营所造成的业务干扰,同时实施变革,助您顺利完成交易。
  • Solution and Industry
    甫瀚咨询帮助企业开发并实施独特的员工体验,以推动特定的业务和人力成果。 如今,员工比以往任何时候都更希望为时刻将员工体验放在首位的企业工作。如果企业能够创造差异化的员工体验,将吸引、留住并招募到行业顶尖人才。 对员工来而言,决定体验感受的不仅仅是单个因素,而是包括薪酬、灵活性、技术、成长机会和企业文化等在内的多个因素。 我们的咨询专家根据您企业在如下领域的独特需求,提供量身定制的解决方案。
  • Solution and Industry
    随着认识到支持环境、社会及管治(ESG)问题对于在市场竞争中至关重要,企业日益重视并不断发展可持续性建设。我们了解到,可持续性是企业的特色,可帮助其从竞争对手中脱颖而出,同时以不同的方式和强度影响整个组织。然而,尽管多家企业意识到采取行动已经到了刻不容缓的地步,但却发现很难从战略上解决这一问题。  我们相信可持续性是一个没有终点的旅程,一路伴随着风险与机遇。在缺乏计划或立等可用的解决方案的情况下,每家企业都需要对ESG 报告和运营采取个性化方法。甫瀚咨询与客户合作,对可持续性风险进行有效管理,在最大化机会的同时获得财务价值。我们指导客户实现效益并产生积极影响。我们的可持续性咨询和多学科主题专家随时满足您在下述领域的特定需求:
  • Solution and Industry
  • Solution and Industry
    Commitment to sustainability is more than a project. It requires a cultural shift, transformation of core processes and introduction of key measures that support a circular economy. As customer demands and regulations evolve, we enable our clients to identify and address the sustainability risks across their supply chain and operational footprint.Protiviti’s Sustainable Operations Consulting…
  • Solution and Industry
    A “check-the-box” approach to compliance will not protect your reputation. Proactive programs, measures and policies will.Protiviti helps you confidently maintain and protect your data, wherever it may reside. We help you understand the impacts of data security.Confidently maintain and protect your data, wherever it lives. Protiviti determines the impacts of data security regulatory and…
  • A cyber-attack can be devastating. The actions you take during the first 48 hours can be critical to a successful outcome.These are complex security incidents requiring specialised skills, tools, and knowledge. The most common scenarios you could face range from an uncertain response to handling security incidents and related outages to unseen threat actors bypassing traditional defenses and…