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  • Leadership
  • Leadership
    唐尧先生是甫瀚咨询董事。他在管理咨询、审计、财务管理领域拥有超过12年工作经验,为众多企业提供财务、人力、研发、供应链等多个领域的运营体系优化、信息化及数字化、风险管理及内部控制等咨询服务。在加入甫瀚前,唐尧先生曾供职于头部农牧食品行业公司,先后任总部FSSC团队leader及区域财务总监职务。主要项目领导、参与多个运营体系优化类项目,涵盖人力、研发、风控、供应链等领域:作为项目负责人参与某地方国企组织定位、岗位体系、权责体系咨询;作为项目负责人参与某地方国企岗职体系、薪酬体系、绩效体系咨询;作为项目负责人参与某汽车融资租赁公司风控体系咨询; 作为项目负责人参与某央企海外投资项目后评价;作为项目负责人参与某头部面板制造企业研发体系优化咨询;作为项目成员参与某头部互联网企业采购体系优化咨询;作为项目成员参与某地方国企权责体系、绩效体系咨询。 领导、参与多个财务咨询类项目…
  • Leadership
    Peter Henry is a Senior Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, Senior Fellow at Stanford’s Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies (FSI), and Dean Emeritus of New York University’s Leonard N. Stern School of Business. He was formerly the Konosuke Matsushita Professor of International Economics at Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business. In 2015, he received the…
  • Solution and Industry
    We provide customised solutions and teams to help you respond to challenges without over-burdening your employees. Companies are seeking innovative ways to address today’s finance and accounting challenges. Unforeseen issues, transaction backlogs, and one-time events that demand a rapid response drive this search for new approaches.  Finance leaders now operate with leaner teams. Often,…
  • Solution and Industry
    We offer a unique, flexible delivery model that transforms your organization through the creation of the right team that can scale up or down quickly and cost-efficiently. By partnering with our Managed Technology Solutions teams, you benefit from experienced subject matter experts, on demand, for unique and complex issues, bandwidth to prevent burdening full-time employees to deliver on…
  • Companies need to stay ahead of risks by understanding priorities, planning for disruptions, employing good business practices and exercising forethought to increase their ability to course-correct quickly when things go wrong. Rapid digital change and growing cyber concerns have increased the risk of extreme but plausible events which may impact your organization’s important business services.…
  • Solution and Industry
    The cloud transforms how organisations manage their infrastructure, platforms and services, and the large sets of data that go with it. That is why it’s critical to have a comprehensive cloud data enablement strategy. From cloud data assessments through integration and development, our team of enablement experts cut through the complexity to deliver a data enablement roadmap ensuring you extract…
  • Solution and Industry
    As companies progress on the journey toward digital transformation, AI is a key element that promises to deliver critical insights that can lead to accelerated innovation and success while protecting critical business assets. Our team of data scientists can help determine relevant use cases to support your transformation journey, enabling automation and data-driven decision making.
  • Solution and Industry
    Continued pressure from both stakeholders on delivering trusted data has increased the need for companies to establish, improve, and maintain their Enterprise Data Governance (DG) practises. We help you create a customised approach to evaluate, record, and govern data across your organisation. Our risk-based perspective enables you to manage the most important data assets to support internal…
  • Across all industries, ever-increasing customer needs, market competition, and rapid digital innovation have created an insatiable demand for data and the insights it can provide. We help you develop and implement a data and analytics strategy that will provide well-controlled, and trusted insights to drive revenue, reduce risk, and enable operational excellence. Our data and analytics and…