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  • Solution and Industry
    次级抵押贷款已经扰乱了传统自营、直接和间接贷款市场。消费者将信用卡纳入其债务组合,带来了从刷卡和利息收入中获利的机会,但同时也可能会让机构充斥着申请、信用额度提高、纠纷和按存储容量使用计费、呼叫量等等问题。数字优先的个人借贷使银行和非银行机构能够为客户提供即时的可负担信贷。抵押贷款和消费者借贷领域的转型步伐为运营、技术、风险和合规职能带来了机遇和挑战。成功的贷款机构会考虑人员、流程和技术环节,以支持合规的贷款发放和服务活动。 甫瀚咨询通过风险洞察、监管合规、良好控制等方式,提供领先技术支持,帮助贷款人和服务机构卓有成效地发展。 众所周知,未来风险具有不确定性,因此,C级高管和董事会对未来新出现的问题做出预测就变得尤为重要。企业应着重建立以信任为基础的弹性文化,从而能够在瞬息万变的环境下应对不断变化的优先事项。 甫瀚咨询凭借能够为金融机构提供切实可行的解决方案而广受赞誉,…
  • Solution and Industry
    甫瀚咨询通过风险洞察、监管合规、良好控制等方式,提供领先技术支持,帮助资产管理公司卓有成效地发展。 众所周知,未来风险具有不确定性,因此,C级高管和董事会对未来新出现的问题做出预测就变得尤为重要。企业应着重建立以信任为基础的弹性文化,从而能够在瞬息万变的环境下应对不断变化的优先事项。 甫瀚咨询凭借能够为金融机构提供切实可行的解决方案而广受赞誉,我们的解决方案体现了企业在成功应对挫折时所需的五大特征:人性化、灵活性、智能化、创新性和模块化。我们所组建的一体化团队由具备专业技能和流程经验的人员组成,帮助企业高管开发务实的、可转型的、且具有风险洞察的解决方案,以令您可以游刃有余地应对新挑战,抓住符合核心价值的结构转型机遇,确保企业未来的持续发展。 甫瀚咨询与母公司——全球首家大型专业人才解决方案公司罗致恒富(Robert Half)合作,将我们深厚的专业咨询知识与Robert…
  • Solution and Industry
  • Solution and Industry
    Protiviti supports traditional and advanced analytic workflows with managed services for daily activity, deployment monitoring, and enterprise analytics implementation. We provide a strong support process and leverage client-specific operating procedures and documentation. Our managed services provide higher business efficiency, improved cost management and a pathway to top subject matter…
  • Data is changing the way we do business across all industries. Organisations are harnessing the power of data to improve processes, drive new business opportunities, and increase competitive advantage.  We provide services to design, source, transform and analyse data to empower your business to become an analytics-driven organisation. Delivering a combination of strategic vision, proven…
  • Solution and Industry
    We focus on aligning Master Data Management (MDM) solutions with your business goals and vision. We understand that a single version of the truth for key data domains is critical to drive business growth, but how to accomplish that can vary. Our teams will work with you to implement a solution that meets your organisation's unique environment, while leveraging both general data and industry…
  • Flash Report
    August 14, 2024
    凡得科技与甫瀚咨询宣布达成战略合作,双方将携手探索流程挖掘在各领域的应用场景,助力企业解锁运营潜能,实现精细化管理。目前双方已联合打造了一款App——卓越控制应用 ,致力于为企业的内控内审工作赋能。
  • Solution and Industry
    Using analytics to uncover insights from data is crucial for fact-based decision making. No matter your analytics initiative, we can show you how to create meaningful dashboards and reports to not only communicate information more clearly, but to identify, define, plan, deliver and track your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Our end-to-end services take you from design through development and…
  • Our extensive experience in operations, process, technology, and change management addresses complexity to avoid impacting employees.We show you how to align organisational structure with business objectives so you’re in control, and how to proactively manage program costs instead of reacting to challenges. You gain effectiveness and efficiency that positions the organisation for growth.Our…
  • Solution and Industry
    Maximising data and automating functions are central to transformation and growth within an organisation.Protiviti can help you harness, analyse, and leverage data more efficiently so your organisation can make data-based business decisions.  We have the expertise and resources to deploy end-to-end solutions to transform your finance and business operations. 