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    甫瀚咨询深耕于石油、天然气和采矿行业业务。我们的全球行业团队分布在世界各地的主要石油和天然气以及采矿业务中心,这使得我们能够与业内的主要参与者保持不间断地联系。我们的团队定期互动,分享行业见解,并在不断变化的环境趋势中保持领先地位。 甫瀚咨询独有的结构令我们能够迅速组建不同的团队,协助客户勇于面对对其业务影响广泛的动态挑战。再进一步叠加我们与母公司罗致恒富(Robert Half)合作下的独特企业模式,一家能够帮助您应对运营和资源挑战、提供深度业务和技术咨询服务的公司便应运而生。
  • Protiviti aligns change with your organisation’s strategy, and we understand that people must change their behaviors for organisations to realise the full return on their investments.We assist in creating team engagement, accountability, and adoption of the future state. We make it clear how the change will make a difference for your company and how your people play a role in the impact.  …
  • Today’s leaders recognise their supply chain functions as a strategic operation. Recent disruptions shifted leaders’ and customer expectations of supply chains. Supply chains had previously not received enough investment to stay competitive and were not linked to strategic goals.  Now, supply chains are expected to mitigate and even predict the disruptions we’ve seen since Covid.…
  • Solution and Industry
  • Solution and Industry
    Technology drives the business forward. Our technology strategy solutions help you enable the business, outlining the technology vision, defining what the organisation will be, what it will do, and what it will deliver in support of the business strategy. We help position your IT team as a process optimiser and revenue enabler.
  • Solution and Industry
    Across industries, robotics and intelligent automation are fast becoming a primary method for achieving cost reduction, scalability and improving manual functions within an organisation. RPA is often a first, foundational step toward broader intelligent automation solutions.    Protiviti combines deep process and industry knowledge with intelligent automation expertise to help…
  • Solution and Industry
    甫瀚咨询的交易服务能帮助企业评估各项交易,充分了解机遇和风险。一旦交易启动,甫瀚咨询便会帮助企业快速推进,降低交易对日常运营所造成的业务干扰,同时实施变革,实现企业的预期价值。 全球的企业都在通过交易寻求竞争优势,但许多企业并未实现其预期价值。未实现的原因通常是由于尽职调查不力、运营筹备和执行不充分,或者低估了交易中的工作量所致。 作为值得信赖的顾问,甫瀚咨询的交易服务专家提供精深的洞察与评估,使领导层能够充分了解并理解机遇、风险和预期回报。一旦交易启动,我们便与领导层展开合作,快速推进,减少因交易对日常运营所造成的业务干扰,同时实施变革,助您顺利完成交易。
  • Solution and Industry
    Preparing to become a public company is time-consuming and complex. As the market continues to change with the current events, companies contemplating an IPO would be wise to prepare for windows of opportunity. Readiness is everything for such a game-changing endeavor, and to optimise chances of success, companies must assess the long-term timeline and be primed to move when circumstances are…