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  • Solution and Industry
    The cloud transforms how organisations manage their infrastructure, platforms and services, and the large sets of data that go with it. That is why it’s critical to have a comprehensive cloud data enablement strategy. From cloud data assessments through integration and development, our team of enablement experts cut through the complexity to deliver a data enablement roadmap ensuring you extract…
  • Solution and Industry
    电子商务模式是如今消费品行业大获成功的重要一环,直接面向消费者的在线销售颠覆了传统的零售模式,消费品企业面临着独特的挑战和机遇。伴随着这些变化,整个行业的发展趋势呈现出对可持续发展解决方案的渴望,包括对可重复利用、可持续、可用作堆肥的包装的使用。同时,随着目的驱动型品牌的人气暴涨,企业希望向市场输出可持续的品牌价值。 作为响应,品牌必须建立供应链的弹性和敏捷性, 包括地区性和定制供应链设计,并专注于为消费者提供更快、更便捷的交付模式。所有这些转型须在降低供应链的可靠性风险、应对劳动力短缺和网络威胁,以及适应运营模式向居家办公转变的同时而进行。
  • Solution and Industry
    几个世纪以来,建筑和基础设施发展始终是社会的基石,提高了我们的生活水平。在甫瀚咨询,我们专注于物质世界中的重大难题,以及如何改善医疗、教育、交通和其他资产类别问题,以更好地造福于子孙后代。 随着全球生活水平的提高,预期的转变以及新技术的问世,我们对建筑和现代基础设施的需求也在不断增加。 建筑和基础设施发展在某种程度上塑造了我们的世界。基于这一职责,上市公司和私营企业在推动该行业发展时将面临着诸多独特的商业挑战: 供应链中断和原材料短缺导致时间和成本受限 新科技和新兴技术,包括以数据支持的“智能”城市和基础设施的出现 来自利基市场或专业竞争对手的竞争日益激烈 利益相关者和公众对基础设施项目及政府支出的期望 对环境、社会及管治(ESG)日益关注,以及对我们未来提供可持续解决方案的压力 随着全球对新资产需求的增加,对新思维的追究也比任何时候更为迫切。…
  • Solution and Industry
    We help you energise your business by supporting your people. HR should not stand alone as a function. Rather, it should work across the organisation to drive business results, engagement, and innovation.  We help organisations build an efficient HR operating model and delivery team where people and technology work as one.  Backed by industry expertise, we assist with every stage of the…
  • Solution and Industry
    智能自动化,有时也被称为超自动化或认知自动化,它将自动化技术与人工智能(AI)相结合,帮助企业更快、更大规模地做出更明智的决策。凭借其易于实施和可扩展等特性,智能自动化为所有业务功能提供了可衡量的优势。 甫瀚咨询将深厚的流程和行业知识与人工智能及自动化专业知识相结合,帮助企业应对挑战。我们以人员和流程为主导,构建自动化用以改善企业的运营绩效、工作职能和业务,并将这些知识与技术相融合,为您制定出立即可产生价值的使用解决方案。 .
  • Solution and Industry
    Although the timeline for the regulation to come into force and the requirements for UK ICFR are not established, the premium listed companies and Public Interest Entities (PIE) mentioned in the ‘Restoring trust in audit and corporate governance’ consultation are the most likely to be impacted by the reforms.We can help you prepare for the upcoming regulation and stay ahead of the change,…
  • Solution and Industry
    As many as 1 trillion connected devices will exist by 2025. Everything is connected, from consumer electronics and home appliances to medical devices and industrial equipment. Deploying, securing, and maintaining these connected devices is complex and requires many different capabilities and technologies throughout a single device lifecycle.Protiviti’s end-to-end IoT services address this complex…
  • Data is changing the way we do business across all industries. Organisations are harnessing the power of data to improve processes, drive new business opportunities, and increase competitive advantage.  We provide services to design, source, transform and analyse data to empower your business to become an analytics-driven organisation. Delivering a combination of strategic vision, proven…
  • Solution and Industry
  • Solution and Industry
    Using analytics to uncover insights from data is crucial for fact-based decision making. No matter your analytics initiative, we can show you how to create meaningful dashboards and reports to not only communicate information more clearly, but to identify, define, plan, deliver and track your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Our end-to-end services take you from design through development and…