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  • Leadership
    Tom is an Executive Vice President and Protiviti’s Global Risk Officer. He has more than 25 years of experience in internal audit and consulting services, advising a broad range of global organizations across a variety of industries. Tom has held several leadership roles within Protiviti, including serving for nine years as regional managing director for the firm’s U.S. West Region. Prior to…
  • Leadership
    Pat is a Senior Managing Director with over 30 years of experience in providing audit and consulting services to companies in the financial services industry. Pat was a member of Protiviti’s Executive Team with responsibility for the Global Clients and Industry Programmes. Pat’s experience includes leading internal audit co-sourcing and outsourcing engagements, assisting companies with…
  • Barbara Rothenstein is executive vice president for global finance and operations. A founding member of Protiviti, Rothenstein is responsible for the operational areas of finance, technology, business processes, acquisition integration, and the management of the firm’s office operations and real estate around the world. She also leads Protiviti’s global sustainability initiative and serves on the…
  • Leadership
    Cory is Chief Operating Officer & Executive Vice President, Global Solutions for Protiviti and a member of the Executive Team, reporting directly to the President and CEO. He oversees and coordinates the firm’s range of consulting practices, including technology, operations, finance, digital, legal, risk/compliance and internal audit. Cory works with the firm’s solutions leadership team to…
  • Leadership
    Brian Christensen is a member of Protiviti’s executive leadership team and global leader of Managed Solutions and Enterprise Collaboration. In this role, he partners with leaders of Protiviti parent company Robert Half to deliver innovative solutions for clients in addressing their consulting and staffing needs. Christensen, a founding managing director of Protiviti when it was formed in 2002,…
  • Whitepaper
    April 30, 2024
  • Flash Report
    April 30, 2024
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  • Leadership
    陆慧竑是甫瀚咨询上海办公室专注于金融服务行业的咨询总监,目前主要从事的是风险管理和合规方面的咨询,包括信用风险管理、监管相关风险、风险分析和模型风险管理、全面风险管理和金融犯罪等。服务领域包括:银行、保险等金融机构。在加入甫瀚之前,陆慧竑在汇丰银行亚太和汇丰中国的风险管理部工作了18年,在不同的风险领域都有丰富的经验,包括信用风险管理、监管相关风险(例如:巴塞尔III改革、IFRS9 预期信用损失、压力测试等)、风险分析和模型风险管理等。主要项目信用风险管理负责对公信贷业务风险偏好的设定和检测,负责执行内部风险治理框架各项要求;负责信用审批流程绩效的监测和对公业务管理报告的生产和优化;参与设计了针对新冠疫情和房地产行业调整的对公资产组合排查方法;参与各种全行层面监管报告编撰,如年报披露,全面风险管理年度报告,资本规划年度报告,资本充足率披露等。风险分析和模型风险管理负责巴塞尔协议的实施,…
  • Leadership
    张国昌先生拥有逾20年的专业经验,他与众多企业合作,帮助他们识别和解决业务难题并提升企业绩效。作为公司中国区的领军者,他致力于为甫瀚咨询中国设立愿景,制定战略,亦不断推动和督促员工的发展、解决方案的创新与开发,以及业务实践的拓展。张先生的职业生涯始于安达信会计师事务所(香港),他于2004年加入甫瀚咨询中国,为中国和亚太地区各行各业的广泛客户在公司治理、数字化、流程优化和其他运营问题等方面提供咨询服务。他的客户包括计划或已经于美国、香港和中国资本市场上市的公司,以及在亚太地区开展业务的跨国企业。  主要项目张先生一直活跃参与大量计划于美国和香港上市的IPO筹备项目,旨在发现企业的问题所在并制定可持续的公司治理方案。具体领域包括内部控制、财务和报告及IT运营等。张先生是中国某特大型TMT公司项目的总负责人,他领导团队帮助客户有效管理相关业务包括供应商管理、费用管理、…