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  • Whitepaper

    January 19, 2022
    Privacy Act 1988 Review: A Compliance Burden or Welcome Change? It has been more than two years since the Attorney-General’s Department announced[1] it would be undertaking a review of the Privacy Act 1988. The review will likely result in the most substantial amendment to the Act since what we now know as the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) were introduced in 2000. The objective of the…
  • Survey

    January 25, 2024
    In the ever-evolving realm of in-house legal practice, staying ahead of the curve is not merely a strategic choice; it’s an imperative. To navigate the intricate terrain of today’s legal landscape effectively, general counsel (GC) and chief legal officers (CLOs) must be acutely aware of the risks to their organisations that loom on the horizon. Our latest Top Risks Survey sheds light on the…
  • Survey

    July 11, 2023
    Australian technology executives recognise that innovation is the name of the game in today’s global market. However, when compared to other regions, Australia is not as far advanced in having its strategy in place or adopting certain technologies. The challenges faced by Australian technology executives are framed by some slightly different priorities in security risks, architectural…
  • Survey

    March 29, 2023
    Technology leaders are exploring new ways to drive innovation and maximise the value of IT in a changing world driven by disruption and a need for acceleration Executive Summary Innovation is the name of the game in today’s global market. Recognising this new reality, CIOs, CTOs, CISOs and other technology executives and leaders are exploring new ways to fuel innovation throughout their…
  • Whitepaper

    April 2, 2024
    Artificial intelligence (AI) has become increasingly important in the enterprise, thanks in part to the rise of generative AI (GenAI). While not a new technology or concept, AI (including machine learning) holds tremendous promise to transform various business functions and activities worldwide — from accounting and finance to cybersecurity, customer experience and more. In boardrooms and C-suite…
  • Client Story

    June 16, 2023
    A leading biotechnology company that develops life-transforming medicines has worked for decades to improve the lives of those who rely on their work. But recently, they found themselves in need of assistance to enhance the security of their AWS environment.
  • Client Story

    June 16, 2023
    A blockchain/web3 startup engaged Protiviti to review their AWS environment. While getting the product to market as fast as possible was a primary goal for the client, security was an afterthought in many scenarios. To address this need and prevent a potential catastrophic security event, the client wanted a quick and consistent way to understand where their security gaps were and how they could…
  • Whitepaper

    August 26, 2020
    As part of our series providing insights into the Cybersecurity Law of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), this fifth installment focuses on the cross-border transfer of data — or data localisation — that is outlined in Article 37.
  • Podcast

    February 15, 2024
    In this episode of Risky Women Radio, host Kimberley Cole, CEO of the Risky Women organisation kicks off Series 7 by discussing the predictions for 2024 in the field of risk regulation and compliance. She is joined by Carol Beaumier and Bernadine Reese from Protiviti, who share their insights on the compliance environment over the past decade and the evolving role of the chief compliance officer.…
  • Infographic

    May 20, 2024
    On March 6, 2024, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) voted to adopt rules to require registrants to disclose climate-related information under the Enhancement and Standardisation of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors. The regulation will require companies to report on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and climate goals, as well as on climate-related risks and efforts to manage…