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  • Client Story

    March 11, 2024
    Our client had taken on a high-stakes, high-profile class action suit that, if successful, could result in a settlement impacting one of the world’s largest electronic consumer products companies and their customers. The client was faced with reviewing millions of pages of complex, highly technical documents provided by the defendant, and would require Protiviti to provide project management…
  • Newsletter

    May 8, 2024
    Important questions and activities prior to an acquisition are also germane after the deal is completed. This supplement to the issue of Board Perspectives discussed above provides a post-acquisition agenda.The intention of this supplement: Our supplement focuses on key questions related to the key areas introduced and discussed in Issue 175 of Board Perspectives to help directors continue their…
  • Newsletter

    July 10, 2024
    How a business engages its customers at every point of their buying journey is critical to connecting the organisation’s brand promise to, and delivering on, an exceptional customer experience. Does the board understand what the organisation does to differentiate itself with its customers? If not, it should.Performance management is on the radar of every board. Customer satisfaction and loyalty…
  • Client Story

    May 19, 2023
    A joint team of quantum computing engineers and financial analysts at this industry leader in digital financial services, led by a forward-thinking CIO, knew they wanted to take advantage of quantum computing to solve unique challenges that could not be handled with classical computing alone.   This company sees value in preparing to be “at the ready” when quantum computing machines become more…
  • Podcast Transcript

    July 4, 2022
    Corporate culture, once a rather squishy, hard-to-define concept for organisations, increasingly is a top-of-mind concern for leaders looking to create a desirable workplace for innovation and one where employees who have many choices want to remain long-term. The challenges are especially acute amid the current war for talent and the need to attract and retain the best people. And part of…
  • Client Story

    September 13, 2023
    This project focused on the company’s efforts to modernise its IT organisation and achieve greater alignment with its business partners as their business model evolved. The project included three key phases of support, starting with an initial IT strategy and target operating model definition, transitioning to enabling value stream-focused Lean portfolio management and then a deeper dive analysis…
  • Podcast

    October 5, 2020
    A Company in Your Portfolio Requires Legal Counsel – What Are Your Options? Protiviti Managing Director Rob Gould and Robert Half Managing Director Joel Wuesthoff discuss options for PE firms to access legal counsel and services. It is common for companies expanding through acquisitions to outgrow their in-house capabilities. This is often the case with legal services during acquisitions, when…
  • Podcast Transcript

    October 5, 2020
    A Company in Your Portfolio Requires Legal Counsel – What Are Your Options? Protiviti Managing Director Rob Gould and Robert Half Managing Director Joel Wuesthoff discuss options for PE firms to access legal counsel and services. It is common for companies expanding through acquisitions to outgrow their in-house capabilities. This is often the case with legal services during acquisitions, when…
  • Podcast

    July 4, 2022
    Corporate culture, once a rather squishy, hard-to-define concept for organisations, increasingly is a top-of-mind concern for leaders looking to create a desirable workplace for innovation and one where employees who have many choices want to remain long-term. The challenges are especially acute amid the current war for talent and the need to attract and retain the best people. And part of…
  • Client Story

    February 26, 2021
    A successful organisation is one that can deftly coordinate its many moving parts, but, sometimes, even the best organisations can get out of sync. That was the case with an aerospace company and its inventory. The organisation knew it was operating with too much stock and was even holding millions of units after they had been written off the books. The company made numerous attempts to optimise…