Guide to business continuity & resilience

Plan for the Unexpected. Build Resiliency.

Instill your organisation with the advantage to endure company disruptions and consistently meet business goals with reduced financial, operational, cybersecurity, and efficiency losses. Assess your areas of risk and develop, enhance, as well as maintain plans to enable resilience, regardless of the circumstance. 

Flashing back to 2020, the world was in the midst of a full-blown pandemic— organisations were executing hiring freezes, implementing layoffs, reorganising their budgets and more. Many were taking hits to their business plans, governance and profits. Industries across all sectors were struggling to keep their doors open and many companies were shutting down permanently. 

In response, organisations introduced hybrid and remote work―decentralised workforces and video meetings became the norm― as organisations demonstrated adaptability and crisis management. Amidst the uncertainty of operational changes and supply chain disruptions, organisations scrambled to uphold their safety and agility against various waves of new information. Business continuity management, although not a new practice, has never been more important. organisations that plan ahead of time are best prepared to mitigate crises of any nature and ensure resilience. 

Today, calamities and setbacks continue to be a part of our environment. Twenty-four-hour news coverage contains headlines of catastrophes around the world— natural and man-made disasters, cyber-attacks, and epidemics— tempting us to change the channel or scroll past the headline. However, as business and technology owners, team leaders and business continuity practitioners, we do and must pay attention. We anticipate all things impacting business continuity— hurricanes impacting shipments, cloud outages disrupting e-commerce or new regulations creating additional operating bottlenecks. Business continuity means contemplating all disruption scenarios, including simultaneous business disruptions and the potential responses. It's never too early to start or update your continuity programme and plan for the unexpected.

We provide insight on

  • COVID-19 and large-scale disasters 
  • Business Continuity Management basics 
  • Ownership and governance 
  • Programme and plan development 
  • IT Disaster Recovery and other technology considerations
  • Third-party risk management and BCM 
  • Regulations, standards and guidance 
  • Testing, training and maintenance 
  • Industry-specific information and regulation updates