Technology Risk Management

Maximise technology value while managing risk

Technology is an enabler for driving business innovation, market advantage, and improved customer experience. However, not having a clear understanding of threats and the controls needed to mitigate technology risk may cause loss, increased costs, and non-compliance.

Our technology risk management services help you develop a robust technology risk management plan as part of your overall operational risk management program. We establish and operate the organisational structures, frameworks, policies and procedures, oversight, and reporting necessary to manage increasingly complex demands for technology and compliance needs.

Our technology risk assessment approach is based on redesigning and integrating methodologies to provide a holistic view of enterprise risk. Our technology and risk service capabilities enable organisations to better understand the true business impact and manage the risks emerging from an organisation’s legacy systems and the adoption of disruptive technologies.

Transform technology risk into opportunity

Our approach to managing technology risk

Effective risk management is about empowering decision-making within the organisation

Protiviti’s technology risk management and governance team helps organisations implement sustainable risk management approaches that enable them to identify risks and quantify the potential impacts on both IT and the wider business.

Organisations face increasing risks and costs related to delivering technology that supports the business. These challenges are often exacerbated by an inability to anticipate potential incidents as well as a reliance on inefficient processes for identifying and assessing risk. In fact, most organisations do not adequately consider IT risk and its impact on the business in their decision-making processes.

Protiviti’s team of technology risk professionals work with you to implement processes for identifying potential risks at an early stage, quantifying the potential impact on the organisation as a whole, and designing controls as required to mitigate risk levels appropriately.

Effective risk management is about empowering decision-making within the organisation. To assist with this, Protiviti works with you to build risk management reporting mechanisms that help you understand the risks to your organisation and their consequential impacts. We also help integrate the wider business into the risk mitigation strategy for IT. An improved understanding of risk can help IT increase the level of service provided to the business and the CIO to justify the investments required to implement strategic remediation solutions.

Our IT risk management consultants help you achieve improved decision-making based on a clear understanding of inherent and residual risk. Enhanced reporting increases the organisation’s ability to anticipate potential IT failures and perform a root-cause analysis to identify the control failures behind service outages, leading to a reduction in recurrences.

Effective risk management is about empowering decision-making within the organisation


Mark Burgess
Mark is a managing director and Protiviti’s risk and compliance solution lead. With over 17 years of risk and regulatory compliance experience in the financial services industry, he has a proven track record delivering deep insights for his clients. Mark has spent a ...
Hirun Tantirigama
Hirun is a managing director with 15 years’ experience in providing risk and regulatory advisory services across a variety of clients and industries. He has led complex, transformational programs across areas such as operational risk, regulatory remediation, operational ...
Ruby Chen
Ruby is a director with over 12 years of experience in the financial services industry, of which about ten years worked in the Big Four banks before transitioning into consulting. She has had a broad range of experience providing advisory services and secondments across ...

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