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  • Survey
    January 24, 2023
    Finance’s most pressing priorities include FP&A, security, cloud applications driven by organisations leadership Findings from Protiviti’s latest Global Finance Trends Survey reveal that SAP customers are adjusting their finance priorities at the behest of their CFOs. The focus is shifting from pandemic trends, such as accelerated digitalisation and remote work, to strategic planning…
  • Blogs
    January 31, 2024
    Data is the lifeblood of today’s digitally transformed business environment and is growing rapidly as it is estimated that 90 percent of the world’s existing data was created in the last two years alone. With such rapid growth, simply understanding the context of what data is important to keep, classifying that data and organising it into a useful form cannot happen without the support of…
  • Whitepaper
    July 1, 2021
    This companion white paper provides more complete coverage of the topic addressed in Issue 141 of Board Perspectives and on NACD/BoardTalk.A facilitated discussion with active directors at a recent National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) event in the United States focused on the significance of agility as an important driver of success in a mercurial…
  • Blogs
    July 24, 2022
    Financial operations (FinOps) professionals around the world are generally unflappable, and they need to be. Moving finances to cloud, essentially transferring the spend from CapEx to OpEx, is proving to be a struggle. Organisations are seeing mixed success as they attempt to adopt new FinOps methodologies and are finding it difficult to control spend as development teams and engineers are…
  • Whitepaper
    February 20, 2023
    On February 24, 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. The global condemnation of the invasion has included an unprecedented number of sanctions against Russia that began being issued almost immediately and has continued as the war goes on, bringing with it large-scale economic disruption and untold human tragedy. For the financial services industry and the issuing nations, there are lessons to be learned…
  • Blogs
    March 10, 2023
    China is poised, and perhaps more determined than ever, to make the metaverse central to its economy in the future. China wants to expand the VR industry output to 350 billion yuan (U.S. $48 billion) by 2026 — six times the level of 2021 — showing it aims to become a world leader in the emerging metaverse economy.
  • Podcast
    January 10, 2024
    2024 will be a milestone year for post-quantum cryptography, with NIST getting ready to release its new standards. We can expect proof-of-concept business use cases for quantum computing to become more common as machine fidelity and performance continue to improve. What should boards consider regarding PQC and other aspects of the quantum industry this year? Join Host Konstantinos Karagiannis for…
  • Whitepaper
    August 11, 2023
    The International Organisation for Standardisation’s (ISO) new global messaging standard, ISO 20022, is set to be adopted by payment processing organisations globally by 2025.
  • Blogs
    December 15, 2023
    An overwhelming majority of global business leaders—85%—expect their home country to be “cashless” within a decade, and nearly a third expect it will happen within the next five years, according to findings of the Protiviti-Oxford survey, “Executive Outlook on the Future of Money, 2033 and Beyond.”
  • Podcast Transcript
    September 27, 2023
    In brief"Some of the key things that I see will be around digitalisation, open banking, artificial intelligence and robotics, workforce transformation, cyber security, and as mentioned, sustainable banking as well as regulatory technology.""We're also already seeing an increase in regulatory complexity, and banks will need to invest significantly more, in my opinion, around regtech solutions.…