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  • Solution and Industry
    Maximising data and automating functions are central to transformation and growth within an organisation.Protiviti can help you harness, analyse, and leverage data more efficiently so your organisation can make data-based business decisions.  We have the expertise and resources to deploy end-to-end solutions to transform your finance and business operations. 
  • We help organisations assess, design, and implement efficient and effective credit risk management and lending operations by leveraging our experience as former lenders, regulators, and risk managers.Our credit risk solutions are delivered to reduce operational costs, improve the efficiency and quality of credit risk decisions, and enhance the client experience. Protiviti has the tools, people,…
  • Solution and Industry
    Our goal is to ensure that you meet your organisation’s needs, adhere to regulatory expectations and leading industry practices, and build sustainable compliance capabilities to support future growth.Disruptive technologies, evolving customer loyalty, and pressure to enhance economic returns define just some of the challenges financial services organisations need to overcome. The dynamic…
  • Solution and Industry
    We partner help you aggregate and improve the quality of your existing tools, technologies and capabilities related to lookback reviews and customer remediation. We employ practical methodologies to address complex lookback and remediation efforts to effectively resolve legal, regulatory and operational issues.Our team responds to regulatory requests in an agile and efficient manner, enabling you…
  • Solution and Industry
    Organisations are demanding value beyond “enterprise risk listing” activities and the inertia that can impact an Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) programme that loses momentum. They want and need ERM programmes that help them anticipate, adapt, and respond to changes, focusing efforts and resources on risks and opportunities that can impact their strategy and performance.We provide forward-…
  • Solution and Industry
    At Protiviti, we use technology, innovation, data, and analytics to transform the field of risk management.Risk transformation creates real business value, helping firms achieve operational excellence by improving the efficiency, quality and timeliness of risk decisions.We work with your organisation to design, execute and embed enabling technologies to sustain risk transformation initiatives.
  • Solution and Industry
    Transactions bring added complexity to organisations and their various business units. When working with Protiviti, complexity becomes simplicity.Mergers & acquisitions are a great way to drive growth, stay competitive, and increase shareholder value.  The M&A process is one of the most challenging endeavor a company can undertake. Protiviti’s M&A Consulting solution provides the…
  • Solution and Industry
    Status quo and legacy ways of working will result in falling behind rather than keeping up. Internal Audit leaders need to embrace the need for change and key Internal Audit stakeholders need to expect it.  Business initiatives, regulatory requirements, and technology have all been subject to significant change; Internal Audit functions need to change and evolve simply to keep up and must embrace…
  • Solution and Industry
    Protiviti has been a long standing and recognised global thought leader in SOX and Committee of Sponsoring Organisations (COSO) compliance. Our publications, benchmarking studies and global seminars are widely recognised in the marketplace and continually provide the latest regulatory and industry trends. Our clients benefit by having access to leaders with deep industry and subject matter…
  • Solution and Industry
    We apply our process, risk, and control expertise to help organisations design, implement, and operate controls programmes that are fit-for-purpose, right-sized, and support the needs of internal and external stakeholders, all while striking the right balance between efficiency and control.  We speak the language of controls which our experts help organisations translate to meet their specific…