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  • Podcast

    June 6, 2024
    In September 2023, California legislators passed the first mandatory climate disclosure bills in the United States. Governor Gavin Newsom signed the two climate-impact reporting measures into law on October 7, 2023. The measures are expected to have far-reaching effects not only for the U.S.-based businesses that are required to comply but also for their trading partners around the world.In this…
  • Podcast

    January 10, 2024
    2024 will be a milestone year for post-quantum cryptography, with NIST getting ready to release its new standards. We can expect proof-of-concept business use cases for quantum computing to become more common as machine fidelity and performance continue to improve. What should boards consider regarding PQC and other aspects of the quantum industry this year? Join Host Konstantinos Karagiannis for…
  • Newsletter

    March 14, 2024
    Geopolitical risk seems higher than at any point in recent memory. Managing this risk effectively should be a core competency for all businesses — and the board should lead the way.After decades of globalisation shaping the world order, businesses are now forced to accept a new reality. Geopolitical risk is an ever-growing threat with far-reaching potential consequences. This risk arises from a…
  • Newsletter

    April 8, 2024
    The inaugural Global Board Governance Survey conducted by Protiviti, BoardProspects and Broadridge — a study believed to be the first of its kind — summarises the views of more than 1,000 directors and C-suite executives worldwide on the role and effectiveness of the board. It provides insights regarding the board’s priorities and performance as well as the differing perspectives of directors and…
  • Newsletter

    May 8, 2024
    Whether an acquisition is a stand-alone, complementary entity or an integration, the due diligence process is undergoing a paradigm shift due to the higher cost of funding and the impact of failed transactions. Boards should expect a more aggressive focus on due diligence.How has the due diligence process changed in recent years? For sure, the complexity of certain topics, such as environmental…
  • Newsletter

    June 12, 2024
    Acute talent shortages across numerous industries underscore the risks emanating from outdated, reactionary approaches to managing people, succession and culture. The question arises, what is the board’s role in forging a 21st-century approach to managing talent?Changing times have led to fleeting employee loyalty, as talented individuals have more options than ever before with greater…
  • Newsletter

    March 24, 2024
    In the race toward innovation and transformation, it can be easy for leadership to overlook their crucial role in driving change in the organisation, including fostering vital new mindsets and behaviors.What you should know: Executive engagement is a critical component to enable change. It’s important to make the distinction that leaders and managers don’t “manage” change; they “enable” change.By…
  • Newsletter

    November 29, 2023
    Compared to prior years, our suggested 2024 audit committee agenda has taken a bit of a turn due to ongoing and recent market and regulatory developments.A complex business environment: The 2024 audit committee agenda includes important enterprise, governance, process, technology, and financial reporting and disclosure issues that merit consideration by the audit committee beyond its ongoing…
  • Client Story

    February 17, 2021
    As internal audit organisations look for effective ways to perform their work in a more agile manner, including how to leverage methodologies, data and technology to add value and become strategic advisers to their business partners, many are finding that the use of robotic process automation (RPA) checks a lot of boxes.RPA integration into internal audit functions is expanding and improving…
  • Infographic

    September 1, 2021
    Cybersecurity, privacy, data and resilience dominate the top technology challenges for technology, media and telecommunications (TMT) organisations, according to the annual ISACA/Protiviti Global Survey of IT audit leaders and professionals. These issues, which already were top-of-mind risks for most organisations, have been fueled further by pandemic-driven times of remote work and new business…