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  • Video

    August 18, 2020
    In recent years, mammoth waves of disruption have both buffeted and ignited organisations in their drive to change and stay relevant. Not surprisingly, internal audit functions have seen the effects. It’s now time for internal audit leaders and their teams to take the initiative, stand up and ride their own wave of transformation and innovation. Watch our video to learn more
  • Podcast Transcript

    September 14, 2023
    In this episode, we discuss digital maturity in finance. Or more specifically, how more finance organisations are employing ERP systems, moving to cloud-based systems, transitioning more to analytics, and with that, understanding the talent management and risk management needs that are required with these major changes.Sharing their insights on these issues are two Protiviti experts, Chelsea…
  • Podcast

    September 14, 2023
    In this episode, we discuss digital maturity in finance. Or more specifically, how more finance organisations are employing ERP systems, moving to cloud-based systems, transitioning more to analytics, and with that, understanding the talent management and risk management needs that are required with these major changes.  Sharing their insights on these issues are two Protiviti experts, Chelsea…
  • Blogs

    April 3, 2023
    Leaders of energy and utilities (E&U) businesses are becoming increasingly focused on the business impacts of rapidly evolving technology. According to Protiviti’s latest Executive Perspectives on Top Risks Survey, many of these leaders see their companies struggling over the next decade to adopt digital technologies effectively, use data analytics and “big data” to drive competitive…
  • Podcast Transcript

    February 6, 2023
    We’ve talked about how quantum computers are enabling extraordinary use cases now, long before the machines will threaten cryptography. Some of these applications can even help companies protect against immediate security threats and vulnerabilities. We explore one such exciting experiment: Using quantum to stop kill chains that allow network exploitation and the Chinese paper causing all the…
  • Client Story

    March 19, 2024
    Experience the transformative potential of responsible AI. Our tailored governance framework ensures ethical use and compliance, guiding your AI journey.
  • Client Story

    March 17, 2021
    The impending retirements of two key executives would constitute a significant disruption for any enterprise. It’s even more disruptive when the business’s legacy customer relationship management (CRM) system was home-built by the departing CIO, and other legacy systems split customer data into separate collections. Under such circumstances, a few agile interventions might be called for. As with…
  • Podcast

    September 27, 2023
    Some of the key things that I see will be around digitalisation, open banking, artificial intelligence and robotics, workforce transformation, cyber security, and as mentioned, sustainable banking as well as regulatory technology. We're also already seeing an increase in regulatory complexity, and banks will need to invest significantly more, in my opinion, around regtech solutions. These…
  • Podcast

    April 26, 2023
    One of the most significant decisions a CFO faces is selecting the right technology or tool to help them run the finance organisation and deliver expected results and value for the business. But technology selection is only the first step. There also is implementation, a just as important stage that can make or break the success of the technology and its effectiveness in the eyes of stakeholders…
  • Whitepaper

    October 10, 2022
    Directors are seeing a significant shift in the priorities discussed in the boardroom. Since the dawn of the 21st century, boards have seen it all — the emergence of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, the 2008 global financial crisis, expanded proxy disclosure mandates in 2009, digital disruption of business models amid the threat of “born digital” market entrants, and, of course, the COVID-19…