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  • Survey

    April 1, 2021
    In the annual top risks survey conducted by Protiviti and NC State University’s ERM Initiative, retail executives identified pandemic-related government policies as their top risk issue for 2021 and beyond. Retailers also listed a deterioration in market and economic conditions, and talent retention and acquisition challenges among their top risks. Overall, the survey results reveal significant…
  • Infographic

    May 14, 2024
    Finance leaders in the retail and consumer packaged goods (CPG) industries are leading their organisations’ efforts to navigate today’s uncertain market environment. Whether it is dealing with inflation or supply-chain disruptions, the leaders are stepping outside their comfort zones to provide strategic guidance across all facets of the business.
  • Podcast

    June 20, 2023
    As manufacturing organisations assess new ways to innovate and transform their operations, one area they continue to explore is the development of agile factories. In this episode, we talk with Protiviti Managing Directors Sharon Lindstrom, David Petrucci and Robert Giacobbe. Together, they explore the concept of agile factories and the importance of building flexibility and adaptability in the…
  • Whitepaper

    July 21, 2022
    In our Compliance Priorities for 2022 in the Financial Services Industry, we emphasised the interconnectivity among the risks we identified, including how the pandemic, the global focus on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, and continued regulatory emphasis on culture and conduct were combining to shine a bright light on how financial institutions (used broadly herein to refer to…
  • Whitepaper

    May 11, 2020
    Like all major employers, insurance companies are dealing with operational and workforce disruptions, as millions of their employees – adjusters, actuaries, underwriters, and risk and loss control managers, as well as analysts, as examples – adapt to a remote work environment. The industry’s policyholder surplus, invested funds set aside by insurers to pay claims, is under pressure as asset…
  • Whitepaper

    July 19, 2021
    Customers are major drivers of change in the marketplace. In times of stress, how well companies manage customer experience and expectation can determine whether they succeed. At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, amid demand spikes and panic buying of household items like groceries and cleaning products, companies that successfully addressed customers’ demands (e.g., restocked alternative…
  • Blogs

    April 3, 2023
    Leaders of energy and utilities (E&U) businesses are becoming increasingly focused on the business impacts of rapidly evolving technology. According to Protiviti’s latest Executive Perspectives on Top Risks Survey, many of these leaders see their companies struggling over the next decade to adopt digital technologies effectively, use data analytics and “big data” to drive competitive…
  • Newsletter

    September 28, 2022
    “Outsourcing and other third-party relationships can bring multiple benefits to FIs, including: enhanced operational resilience; faster and more tailored financial products and services; cost reduction; greater innovation; and improved internal processes. However, outsourcing and third-party relationships can give rise to new or different risks to FIs and potentially to financial stability that…
  • Podcast

    May 4, 2022
    The fear of a quantum cryptographic apocalypse has been with us since the 90s and has launched quite a few careers and companies. Post-Quantum, no relation to this show, has been developing end-to-end solutions for quantum-secure communications since 2009, and they recently participated in a year-long proof of concept with NATO. Join host Konstantinos Karagiannis for a chat on practical solutions…
  • Flash Report

    January 21, 2021
    A United States Perspective With Joe Biden’s inauguration as the 46th president of the United States and a Democrat-controlled Congress with a razor-thin majority in both the House and the Senate, what can we expect in the new administration’s first 100 days and the next two years? What sectors face the greatest impacts from the change in leadership inside the Beltway from a Biden presidency and…