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  • Insights paper

    September 22, 2023
    The ESG regulatory landscape is starting to form: In the public markets worldwide, companies are trying to determine how to respond to and incorporate stringent sustainability-related disclosure requirements from the EU. Meanwhile, the International Sustainability Standards Board has completed its work on a set of voluntary standards for public companies globally. In the U.S., the SEC is poised…
  • Flash Report

    July 26, 2023
    Discover PCAOB's 2022 Inspection Observations & tech-auditing trends. Crucial insights for SEC registrants & audit committees. Read the full report here.
  • Survey

    April 5, 2023
    When assessing the top risk issues organizations will face this year as well as over the next decade, one key theme stands out: People and culture are at the top of the agenda. The 11th annual Executive Perspectives on Top Risks Survey, conducted by Protiviti and NC State University’s ERM Initiative, reveals the top risks on the minds of global boards of directors and executives in 2023 and over…
  • Video

    November 28, 2019
    Meet David Kissane – he's recently joined our Sydney team as a Managing Director. David's come onboard to grow the Technology Consulting practice with a specific focus on Cloud and Infrastructure, including the strategy, design, and project implementation.
  • Blogs

    February 29, 2024
    The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) final updated Global Internal Audit Standards provide the opportunity for transformative change. The update requires the internal audit (IA) function to have a strategic plan aligned with the organisation’s strategy and defined performance objectives.
  • Newsletter

    January 11, 2024
    As 2024 begins, the economy and markets are showing some encouraging signs, with inflation stabilizing and interest rates poised to remain where they are or even start to come down in the coming year. Private equity leaders are hopeful this leads to a more active IPO and M&A cycle this year.
  • Insights paper

    March 15, 2024
    A shift in mindset to a strategic sourcing strategy anticipates and mitigates supply chain risk while improving resilience and responsiveness, still aiming to reduce total cost of ownership.
  • Whitepaper

    July 17, 2023
    Discover how procurement transformation fuels supply chain resilience. Learn the key steps to adapt procurement practices for a post-pandemic world.
  • Newsletter

    May 11, 2023
    The increasing complexity of the legal and regulatory landscape is challenging the board’s fiduciary duties. Emerging trends ushering in a call for fairness and transparency should be of paramount importance to directors. Boardroom agendas cover an array of topics but no matter the issue, there are important underpinnings to board oversight and governance.
  • Whitepaper

    June 27, 2023
    By Bernadine Reese and Jackie Sanz Regulators and many other stakeholders are intently focused on how financial institutions address environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters. Within financial institutions, boards of directors, executive management and much of the C-suite are weighing in on the ESG strategy and approach. Chief compliance officers (CCOs), though, have been remarkedly…