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  • Podcast

    June 3, 2020
    Most discussions concerning the COVID-19 global pandemic aspire to a path leading to some form of normalcy, a new normal. That pathway is often framed in terms of phases, with each phase leading to an equilibrium of sorts. In other words, the state of equilibrium will be defined differently with each phase. This is Kevin Donahue, senior director with Protiviti, welcoming you to a new edition of …
  • Podcast Transcript

    June 3, 2020
    Most discussions concerning the COVID-19 global pandemic aspire to a path leading to some form of normalcy, a new normal. That pathway is often framed in terms of phases, with each phase leading to an equilibrium of sorts. In other words, the state of equilibrium will be defined differently with each phase. This is Kevin Donahue, senior director with Protiviti, welcoming you to a new edition of …
  • Blogs

    April 4, 2022
    As concerns over the rise of economic inflation escalate, a stark reality emerges: There are legions of executives—even board members—who have never had to cope with persistent inflation. A rare environment of this kind presents a unique opportunity for leading CFOs to elevate scenario planning activities and other next-generation finance capabilities with the objective of contributing an…
  • Client Story

    April 9, 2021
    Data privacy has become a strategic priority as companies adapt to comply with rapidly proliferating data privacy laws. Recent years have seen the adoption of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the more recent California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA), and similar regulations. These safeguards require companies to document the types of protected personal data used in…
  • Blogs

    February 10, 2022
    Organisations have been feeling pressure from investors, consumers and other stakeholders to embrace sustainable business practices and focus on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues for some time. And although ESG issues are not yet a reporting requirement, there are signs that this is changing. In February this year, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the U.S. appointed…
  • Newsletter

    March 15, 2022
    Data proliferation and data privacy regulatory activity across the globe have created the need for focused boardroom discussions. While cybersecurity continues to be an issue for boards, a more targeted focus on data privacy is increasingly necessary to ensure compliance across a rapidly expanding number of privacy regulations. Privacy risk represents a unique challenge driven by the volume and…
  • Newsletter

    October 18, 2021
    Informed organisations in all industries are establishing carbon emissions reduction and net-zero carbon emissions targets. Directors’ conversations on strategy have an important role in businesses’ energy transformations. Energy consumption is a priority. The introduction of renewables continues as costs decline. The percentage of electricity consumed through non-fossil fuel sources — solar,…
  • Survey

    January 3, 2023
    Key findings from an Oxford-Protiviti Survey, Executive Outlook on the Future of ESG, 2032 and Beyond:Oxford-Protiviti executive survey with a 10-year outlook finds North American leaders less worried about environmental risk and ESG regulation, and less open to change.Executives in Europe and Asia-Pacific (APAC) perceive the stakes as higher and expect more change externally and within their…
  • Newsletter

    May 19, 2020
    This issue of The Bulletin is the second of our two-part discussion of the challenge in finding equilibrium in these uncertain times. In Part 1, we discussed the attributes and actions needed to find equilibrium in the likely phased transition from the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) lockdown.[1] Given that a period of ongoing change will follow the lockdown, equilibrium means achieving the…
  • Podcast

    April 20, 2023
    Maryann Kennedy speaks with the Senior Deputy Comptroller for Bank Supervision Policy at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Grovetta Gardineer, about the regulatory priorities in current economic environment.Grovetta Gardineer is the Senior Deputy Comptroller for Bank Supervision Policy at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC). In this role, Ms. Gardineer directs the…