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  • Podcast Transcript

    September 9, 2022
    Controlling a quantum computer can mean a lot of things. For Q-CTRL, it includes better error correction and tools that help improve the performance of algorithms … by a factor of 9,000. It also means having a strong educational environment to help solve the talent shortage facing the industry. Join host Konstantinos Karagiannis for a chat with Michael J. Biercuk from Q-CTRL on how control…
  • Podcast

    March 6, 2024
    Quantum computing needs error-corrected, logical qubits to exit the noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) era and bring real advantage to practical business and other use cases. A recent experiment at Harvard succeeded at creating 48 logical qubits on a neutral atom platform, and the techniques will be implemented in production systems in the future. We may have 100 logical qubits by 2026! Join…
  • Podcast

    May 15, 2024
    The phrase “quantum internet” gets tossed around a lot, usually as a placeholder for something that will fix many nonspecific issues in the future. The core concept of quantum networking is a real thing, though, and is more robust today than you might think. How does it work? How fast is it? And is it really running in the Big Apple? Join Host Konstantinos Karagiannis for a chat with Noel Goddard…
  • Podcast

    May 29, 2024
    Large Language Models are … large. Forget Bitcoin and recharging electric vehicles; the grid could be toppled by powering AI in a few years. It would be optimal if AI could run on more underpowered edge devices. What if there was a quantum-inspired way to make LLMs smaller without sacrificing overall performance in combined metrics? We explore a way to do that and other advanced ideas like…
  • Podcast

    June 26, 2024
    Error correction typically involves a lot of physical qubits and using them to create one logical qubit. Ratios vary by modality and approach, so getting a single fault-tolerant qubit may take seven to a thousand physical ones. What if there was a way to correct most of the errors that appear on each qubit instead? Scaling up from there would certainly be much easier, getting us to machines that…
  • Client Story

    March 19, 2024
    Experience the transformative potential of responsible AI. Our tailored governance framework ensures ethical use and compliance, guiding your AI journey.
  • Blogs

    March 10, 2023
    China is poised, and perhaps more determined than ever, to make the metaverse central to its economy in the future. China wants to expand the VR industry output to 350 billion yuan (U.S. $48 billion) by 2026 — six times the level of 2021 — showing it aims to become a world leader in the emerging metaverse economy.
  • Podcast

    June 12, 2024
    When Richard Feynman proposed the idea of a quantum simulator or computer in 1981, he was frustrated by the limitations of classical systems. He logically suggested that if we live in a quantum world, we need a quantum device to simulate all the interactions of particles that make up reality. An excellent example of such a transistor-choking calculation is the quantum many-body problem. Have…
  • Blogs

    July 14, 2023
    Apple’s announcement of its Vision Pro virtual reality headset earlier this month elicited some strong opinions across the board. Could it really replace the iPhone and mainstream the metaverse, as some have claimed? Or is it just another overpriced wearable for the wealthy?
  • Newsletter

    July 13, 2023
    The big picture: The metaverse has the potential to be a disruptive, expansive and transformative force, even to the point of spawning its own economy. Every board has a fiduciary duty to evaluate that potential for its company’s future. By the numbers: According to a survey of 250 global business leaders, the metaverse has the potential to dramatically alter the future of the human experience…