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  • Whitepaper

    January 23, 2024
    By Carol BeaumierOn December 22, 2023, when many of us had already started our holiday breaks, President Biden issued Executive Order (EO) 14114, which among other things creates new secondary sanctions risk for foreign financial institutions. For anyone who missed this development or anyone who is simply trying to understand the significance of this EO, here are 10 things we think you should…
  • Podcast

    January 24, 2024
    NIST will release the standards for post-quantum cryptography soon, and all companies will have to start taking action to become crypto- agile and replace vulnerable ciphers. One of the first steps is gathering an inventory of the cryptography used in your organisation. Find out how to accomplish this, and monitor future changes you make, with AgileSec. It’s a dashboard approach to staying ahead…
  • Blogs

    January 31, 2024
    Data is the lifeblood of today’s digitally transformed business environment and is growing rapidly as it is estimated that 90 percent of the world’s existing data was created in the last two years alone. With such rapid growth, simply understanding the context of what data is important to keep, classifying that data and organising it into a useful form cannot happen without the support of…
  • Blogs

    January 31, 2024
    Segregation of duties (SoD) is a well-known term among auditors and anyone who has ever been audited. SoD is the understanding that no user should have access to two conflicting business functions that would allow a user to commit fraud or error (e.g., the ability to create a vendor record, then process a payment to that vendor). The idea can be intimidating and overwhelming to those who do not…
  • Survey

    January 25, 2024
    In the ever-evolving realm of in-house legal practice, staying ahead of the curve is not merely a strategic choice; it’s an imperative. To navigate the intricate terrain of today’s legal landscape effectively, general counsel (GC) and chief legal officers (CLOs) must be acutely aware of the risks to their organisations that loom on the horizon. Our latest Top Risks Survey sheds light on the…
  • Survey

    January 25, 2024
    In an era defined by dynamic technological advancements and evolving societal paradigms, higher education institutions face a myriad of challenges. The latest Top Risks Survey sheds light on the critical vulnerabilities confronting these institutions in 2024 and beyond.
  • Blogs

    January 31, 2024
    As organisations increasingly embrace cloud-based technologies to enhance productivity and efficiency, understanding the dynamic relationship between Microsoft Azure and Microsoft 365 becomes crucial for maximising their potential. With the power of Microsoft Azure and Microsoft 365, organisations are gaining agility and driving innovation, but what is the difference between the two? When rolling…
  • Infographic

    February 2, 2024
    TMT leaders cite cyber threats, talent shortage and inflation among top risksIn Protiviti’s latest top risks survey, executives from the technology, media and telecommunications (TMT) industry identified the biggest threats they anticipate over the next 12 months and a decade ahead. Their perspectives, highlighted below, shed light on risks that they must address to keep their business thriving…
  • Blogs

    February 8, 2024
    Reflections from 16 years ago as a consultantStepping into the role of a graduate consultant right out of university in 2007 was both an exciting and intimidating experience. Like many newcomers, I found myself grappling with the concept of adding value to projects and clients with limited industry experience. I felt like I needed more years under my belt, more projects to my name, and more…
  • Blogs

    February 9, 2024
     Without an effective sustainability program within the sourcing and procurement and supply chain functions, the rest of the environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) footprint can quickly disintegrate.