Our Commitment to ESG

At Protiviti, we recognise delivering on environmental, social and governance (ESG) as one of our highest ESG priorities. From our long-standing focus on our people and communities, to our commitments on the environment, we are dedicated to making positive change.
Protiviti addresses ESG goals for our employees and clients

2023 Highlights

Our enterprise values – integrity, inclusion, innovation and commitment to success – are the principles that underlie everything we do. How we follow up with action is what brings our values to life. Our annual Leading with Integrity report connects our values and our actions by detailing our programs, goals and commitments.

Below is a summary of our impact highlights across our enterprise.


Employees globally who said we are a great place to work


Women employees in our global internal workforce 


Employee hours volunteered globally during 2023, more than double the hours in 2022 


Near-term greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets validated by the Science Based Targets initiative


You can learn more about our ESG accomplishments, partnerships, and goals below and by downloading our annual report.     Download our report

From our Protiviti CEO Joe Tarantino and EVP of Global ESG and Inclusion Susan Haseley

Our dedication to ESG is evident in our support of the communities where we live and work, our focus on sustainability, and our commitment to inclusion. Our emphasis remains steadfast because we understand the importance of this work and know Protiviti's commitment to success depends on meeting our current and future ESG goals.

Protiviti ESG solutions

At Protiviti, we integrate ESG considerations into our service offerings to amplify greater impact by helping clients create sustainable value and enhance their impact on society. We work with clients across industries to help them evaluate their ESG goals and create integrated, impactful ESG operating and reporting strategies. We take a holistic approach that helps businesses understand the bigger picture, so they can integrate sustainability throughout their strategy, processes, and services.

View our ESG solutions
Protiviti’s ESG goals for environmental sustainability

Our Approach

Our commitment to ESG is led by our EVP of Global ESG and Inclusion and we have a dedicated global management team that collaborates with our parent company, Robert Half, to drive our ESG goals and support our commitments to our governance, people, communities, clients and partners and the environment. Find out more about our enterprise approach.

Learn more
Protiviti’s ESG goals for environmental sustainability

Reports & Policies

For additional information on how we’re addressing our commitments to social responsibility and sustainability, please visit our parent company, Robert Half’s ESG resources website for accessing our reports and policies.

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The Global Inclusion Index honors companies that excel at hiring and promoting women, measuring other underrepresented groups, creating inclusive cultures, and holding country leaders accountable for results.

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