Change Management and Communications

Putting people at the heart of business success

Protiviti aligns change with your organisation’s strategy, and we understand that people must change their behaviors for organisations to realise the full return on their investments.

We assist in creating team engagement, accountability, and adoption of the future state. We make it clear how the change will make a difference for your company and how your people play a role in the impact.  

Our change management and communications experts provide solutions tailored to your organisation.

Change management and communications services

The most effective organisations will be those that are able to adapt and to respond to shifting priorities and changing business realities

Our approach

In today’s ever-evolving environment, the most effective organisations will be those that are able to adapt and to respond to shifting priorities and changing business realities, as well as the digital transformation of processes. But before this can happen, organisations need to understand how their employees are likely to deal with change and how they can be motivated to accept—and even embrace—change.  

This must take place through a strategic approach to organisational change involving careful consideration of the people affected most by change.

The most effective organisations will be those that are able to adapt and to respond to shifting priorities and changing business realities

Our change management model

Our model follows 5 critical steps to launch a successful, large-scale change initiative: 

  1. Kick-Off: Lay the foundation to make sure the change endures because everyone in the organisation is behind it. You can build a house with no foundation, but it is likely to get damaged in the first serious storm.    
  2. Document & Map Processes Affected by the Initiative: Documenting processes effectively and obtaining the buy-in of the right people will set the project on a solid track to meet or exceed expectations
  3. Solution Design and Training Preparation: For companies that have achieved alignment from the get-go, change management proceeds smoothly because all key business areas, including the crucial technology department, have been engaged in the development of requirements and process steps from the beginning.   
  4. Implement Training, Ownership and Adoption: Implementation of the new initiative is a shared responsibility across all groups. Ownership in the outcome should be shared as well, and the groups must collaborate to develop the best way to adapt the organisation to the change.  
  5. Feedback & Enhancement of Processes: For an initiative to succeed long-term, the project team must have its ear to the ground and capitalise on the feedback it receives from both key stakeholders and the broader organisation. Transparency and responsiveness to suggestions help foster a culture in which employees feel they are being heard and are part of the solution. Creating a culture of trust will also make future change implementations easier 


Melanie Morrissey
Melanie is a managing director with over 20 years’ experience in leading business performance improvement excellence in public and private enterprises. She specialises in the delivery of whole of business/government performance improvement through strategy development ...
Vikas Sharma
Vikas has over 13 years of professional experience across Australian public and private sectors. Vikas specialises in leading client business performance improvement initiatives focusing on strategy design and execution. He has delivered key projects across multiple ...

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