From Graduate To Managing Director: Shane Silva’s 16 Year Consulting Career at Protiviti

Reflections from 16 years ago as a consultant

Stepping into the role of a graduate consultant right out of university in 2007 was both an exciting and intimidating experience. Like many newcomers, I found myself grappling with the concept of adding value to projects and clients with limited industry experience. I felt like I needed more years under my belt, more projects to my name, and more technical expertise to contribute meaningfully. Little did I know then that my nascent perspective, untainted by years in the industry, held immense value. My seniors always encouraged me to share my ideas and valued my input whenever we were discussing solutions.


Consultant challenge Philadelphia - 2007


Group picture with colleagues from 2009


Why Protiviti stood out to me 

Before applying for the grad program at Protiviti, I’d done a good amount of research into the culture of Protiviti and the core values of the company, as well as competitors, and made my decision to launch my career with the organisation accordingly. I’d always wanted to be a consultant, but the feeling of whether I made the right decision or not was always there until I actually started my Protiviti journey.

The culture and the supportive leaders were a plus, but what really stood out to me was their belief in grads and their innovative thinking, novel ideas, and willingness to explore different ways of working. This also helped me get rid of my initial fears and gave me a confidence boost. 

My journey so far

My journey into the consulting world began with a sense of curiosity, lacking a profound understanding of what lay ahead. Originally from the nation’s capital, I had grappled with a common choice of choosing between a government role or to become a consultant. But I gravitated towards consulting with the desire to learn about industries from financial services to technology to healthcare, and both state and federal government.  Looking back, it's clear that my entry into Protiviti in 2007 marked the start of a remarkable transformation. 

From my initial role as a consultant in Canberra to my recent appointment as managing director in 2023, these 16 years have been a journey of evolution. I vividly recall one high-pressure project involving multiple prestigious firms, where I emerged as the catalyst for solving a complex problem. This experience not only shaped my career but also shifted my perspective on consulting, growth, and the immense potential of each individual.

Throughout these years, my roles evolved, but my unwavering passion for growth remained constant. I progressed from a consultant in Canberra in 2007 to a level 2 consultant in 2008, followed by senior consultant in 2009. In 2011, I assumed a manager role, and in 2016, I reached the milestone of associate director. The year 2017 brought a new chapter as I transferred to the Sydney office. In 2018, I was honoured to become a director. Finally, in 2023, I achieved the milestone of becoming a managing director, and can’t wait to see what’s next.

This is what my career path with Protiviti looks like so far…


Shane Silva’s consulting career journey with Protiviti

Throughout this journey, I've embraced new challenges, honed my skills, and contributed to the growth and success of Protiviti. The journey continues, and I eagerly look forward to the opportunities and growth that lie ahead.

How Challenge Schools at Protiviti helped me

One pivotal element of my journey is the experience of challenge schools. These immersive learning platforms provide invaluable knowledge and serve as the epicenter of some of the most memorable experiences. I recall a remarkable incident where an entire batch of graduates, whom I had the privilege to be involved in recruiting, remained a cohesive unit as they progressed from graduates to managers. This exemplified the strong bonds formed within Protiviti's community and the power of collective growth.

 Reflecting on my journey, here's my advice for aspiring consultants

If there's one piece of advice I'd give to my younger self, it would be to embrace that unique  perspective and trust in the value it brings. There's no need to try too hard; authenticity and innovative thinking hold immense potential.

Reflecting on my journey and addressing the mistakes I've made along the way is crucial. I firmly believe in the theory of fair, fast, learned growth – the idea that making mistakes is a natural part of progression if we don't repeat them. Protiviti's unique environment offers an incredible support system, ensuring that even when we stumble, there are mentors and colleagues to guide and uplift us.


Shane Silva with fellow managing directors and colleagues

My advice is to embrace initiative and innovation fearlessly for those embarking on a consulting career. Some endeavours will thrive while others may falter, and that's perfectly acceptable. Transparency in sharing both successes and challenges ensure a collective growth journey. The collaborative spirit that fuels Protiviti's culture ensures that there's always someone there to lend a hand when needed.

The 3 Protiviti pillars that kept me committed to the organisation

1. People. The bonds formed, the moments shared, and the mentorship received from colleagues and mentors have been invaluable. Working with remarkable individuals who share a common goal of growth and innovation creates a nurturing and invigorating environment. 


Shane Silva at Protiviti’s 20th anniversary celebration party, posing with former country market lead, Garran Duncan (on the left) and Protiviti UK managing director, Ewen Ferguson (in the middle)

2. Change. My focus, clients, and industry alignments have shifted throughout my career. Change, while challenging, is a powerful catalyst for growth. The ability to learn, adapt, and remain open to new avenues of thinking and problem-solving fuels personal and professional evolution. Protiviti's dynamic environment encourages embracing change and exploring new territories, ensuring stagnation is never an option.

3. Clients. I've worked with have been instrumental in shaping my journey. Establishing enduring relationships, growing together, and witnessing firsthand the impact of our collaborative efforts have been deeply fulfilling. 

Protiviti’s social club enhances the bonds between colleagues 

The essence of Protiviti's culture truly shines in its monthly social club events. These gatherings, whether in Canberra or Sydney, have never ceased to amaze me with the creativity and camaraderie they foster. From exciting go-kart racing to refined fine dining experiences, our teams have curated a tapestry of activities that cater to diverse interests.


Shane Silva at an office party


Sydney boat party with colleagues and fellow graduate Hanneke Catts. Learn about her grad story here.

My fondest memory at Protiviti

In 2017, I moved from Canberra to Sydney and my farewell party is one of my fondest memories amidst the journey. I was joined by teams from various locations, we celebrated with great drinks, conversations, and laughter. This event encapsulated the bonds formed over the years and reiterated the sense of community Protiviti fosters.


Shane Silva at the Manager Challenge with Joe Tarantino, Protiviti president and CEO and a group of graduates he worked with who were promoted to Manager 

What I look forward to 

I'm excited about the path ahead and focusing on growing accounts, expanding solutions, and contributing to the ongoing growth of Protiviti. For new graduates, joining consulting offers a dynamic, accelerated learning pathway. Consulting is like having multiple jobs in one, with each project offering a new perspective, challenge, and learning curve. The fast-paced, ever-changing nature of the work keeps us engaged, motivated, and constantly learning, fostering a sense of fulfillment that fuels our journey.


In conclusion, my journey from a graduate to managing director at Protiviti has been nothing short of transformative. My journey has been full of challenges and insights, resulting in immense growth personally as well as professionally. Looking ahead, I'm excited to see the ever-evolving landscape of consulting, where the power of new perspectives continues to drive innovation and transformation. 


Shane with his family 

Sound like a fit? Find out more about careers at Protiviti. 
