Nurturing Diversity Through Protiviti’s ProPride Network

Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DEI) are ingrained in the Protiviti culture. We believe in high respect and recognition for all, regardless of who you are or where you come from. Our ProPride initiative supports our belief in supporting a dynamic, sexual and gender-diverse workforce.

“I have a fundamental belief that you can’t have diversity or a diverse workforce until you have an inclusive culture and practice that embraces and accepts you not just for the visible differences such as gender, age, or cultural background, but also for the invisible things that make everyone unique,” shares Protiviti’s HR Manager, Chantelle Salas, “As an HR Manager, it’s my role to help strengthen equal opportunity for all whilst ensuring everyone has what they need to succeed individually. This includes attracting and retaining a diverse workforce of experiences, backgrounds, and thoughts. However, it is the DEI Employee Network Groups, such as ProPride, that help enable that inclusive culture so that individuals, like me, who are part of the LGBTQ+ community can truly bring our whole self to work every day.”

Bianca McMahon, a Protiviti Internal Audit team member and ProPride Australia employee network group lead was generous enough to sit down with us and share her perspective about and involvement with the ProPride initiative. Bianca joined Protiviti 2 years ago and applies her knowledge and expertise to work with multiple clients across several sectors.

Bianca McMahon on Protiviti’s ProPride Initiative and Innovation

Q. Why is it important to have LGBTQIA representation at all levels in a company?

A. Diversity in all forms in the workplace encourages and enhances creativity and productivity. When all employees are respected and celebrated for their differences, it builds an inclusive environment that leads to more successful collaboration and problem-solving. Individuals with different backgrounds and life experiences often have unique perspectives and insights.

Q. What inspires you to lead the ProPride Network?

A. I joined ProPride to help create a safe, accepting, and understanding workplace. ProPride is about supporting the LGBTQIA+ community, but I also believe that when diversity is celebrated, all employees (regardless of whether they identify with the LGBTQIA+ community) can be safe, supported, and empowered within the workplace.  

Q. What’s the objective of your network?

A. ProPride has four key objectives. The first is to promote awareness of the network, the second is to foster a greater understanding of LGBTQ+ issues, the third is to provide relevant education and training, and the final objective is to foster a safe environment for all employees.

Q. What is Protiviti doing to help educate staff on pride and diversity?

A. ProPride has partnered with ACON (an external training provider) to deliver training sessions related to the LGBTQIA+ community. We intend to continue this on a biennial basis. ProPride is hosting events and sending informative communications around key dates, including the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT), World Aids Day, Wear It Purple Day, and Pride Month. While the events differ across office locations, every office event aims to promote awareness of key issues faced by the LGBTQIA+ community.

Q. What do you have to share with those considering working for Protiviti?

A. I joined Protiviti as a graduate in 2021 and cannot speak highly enough about my experience. Everyone I have interacted with has been open and supportive, and I’ve received countless opportunities for growth and to pursue my interests, such as the opportunity to lead ProPride on a national level.

Multiculturalism and Diversity in a Global Business

Bianca has been leading Protiviti’s ProPride efforts for approximately 2 years from the date of this interview. Since then, ProPride has grown and operates as a national team with leaders in each of our Australian offices. Our employees are increasingly engaged with the network, bringing thoughts and ideas to the table and supporting the launching and facilitating of local events.

Chantelle adds, “Bianca and the ProPride team have been doing an excellent job creating awareness and helping with the education so individuals feel respected and belong at Protiviti. We look forward to ProPride partnering more with ACON this year to run further LGBTQ inclusion training.”

Protiviti promotes diversity and inclusion throughout the organisation. As a firm, we operate with a one-office mindset, so regardless of where you are — Sydney, Melbourne, California — we are trying to build the same company culture where all offices function, interact in similar ways, and partner with each other regardless of location.

Interested in learning more? Get in touch with Chantelle or Bianca

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