Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Compliance AML compliance for today and beyond Protiviti provides a wide variety of consultative services and AML solutions designed to assist organisations in all aspects of AML/Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) compliance, in addition to conducting transaction monitoring, and Know Your Customer (KYC) reviews. Assist organisations in all aspects of AML Anti-money laundering consulting Pro Briefcase Design and implement AML/CFT risk and sanction risk assessments Assist clients with the design and implementation of AML/CFT and sanction risk assessments that are foundational to effective AML compliance programs. We also work with our clients to ensure the proper alignment between their risk assessments and their overall AML/ CFT and sanction compliance programs and to introduce and leverage innovative technologies to improve efficiency. Pro Document Stack Program development and remediation Help clients with the development and/or enhancement of all aspects of their AML/CFT and sanction compliance programs including, but not limited to, risk strategy and risk appetite statements, policies and procedures, job descriptions, staffing analyses, and board and management reporting. Pro Document Consent AML/CFT and sanction system selection, implementation and utilisation Assist in the selection of compliance technology systems and tools to support ongoing AML/CFT and sanctions monitoring. This includes vendor review and comparison, assessment of current and future business and functional requirements, data lineage and validation, system optimisation, implementation support, pre-and post-implementation reviews, system validation, transaction monitoring, source of funds review and overall system project planning and management. Pro Document Files Money laundering reviews and investigations Assist clients in performing regulator-mandated reviews and provide regulatory guidance on transaction monitoring, source of wealth and Know Your Customer (KYC) reviews using our proprietary workflow and data analytics tools to help organisations comply with the guidelines of AML regulator AUSTRAC. We also identify and transactions in-scope, code the desired rules and scenarios, determine the appropriate thresholds, and generate alerts, which our investigation specialists review to determine whether any suspicious activity is present. Pro System Security DFS Part 504 compliance We assist financial institutions with all aspects of their Part 504 compliance efforts, from internal training and awareness, program development, program management, program documentation, model validation, data lineage and validation, control testing, and design of certification and sub-certification processes. Pro Building office Independent testing of AML program We assist organisations with the development, implementation and delivery of AML/CFT and sanctions training that is customised to reflect a company’s primary business activities, customer profile, current AML/CFT and sanctions knowledge base and internal procedures. Pro Rightmark Square Focused training Assist organisations with the development, implementation and delivery of AML/CFT and sanctions training that is customised to reflect a company’s primary business activities, customer profile, current AML/CFT and sanctions knowledge base and internal procedures. Customised and relevant AML/CFT training provides the basis for a successful AML/CFT and sanctions compliance program. graph AML and sanctions model validation and optimisation analytics We work closely with our data and advanced analytics practise to provide our clients with independent model validation for all AML and sanctions related models, perform AML and sanctions model tuning and threshold/matching score setting, provide advanced data validation and AML analytics, advise on scenario and alert optimisation, and assist with transaction monitoring scenario development, testing, and supporting documentation. Regulatory compliance consulting Our compliance consulting team brings a blend of experience and fresh thinking through a unique mix of former industry professionals, compliance professionals, and financial regulators to effectively manage compliance risk. Learn more Financial crime compliance Protiviti helps compliance officers, board members, and all three lines of defense respond to situations of noncompliance and stay in sync with regulatory changes. Learn more Leadership Mark Burgess Mark is a managing director and Protiviti’s risk and compliance solution lead. With over 17 years of risk and regulatory compliance experience in the financial services industry, he has a proven track record delivering deep insights for his clients.Mark has spent a ... Learn More Matthew Pirera Matt is a managing director in Protiviti Australia’s risk and compliance team and is responsible for leading the delivery of best practice solutions across Protiviti’s key clients. Matt is the national financial services industry lead, also leading the Protiviti ... Learn More Ranadip Datta Rana is a commercially focused and highly driven risk professional specialising in multi-channel complex solution consulting in APAC. 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