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  • Blog
    December 2, 2021
    Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher, is credited with saying that “change is the only constant in life.” It is no secret that with the surge of IPO activity, rapidly changing technology and recent external disruptions, there has been constant change to our people, processes and technology. This uptick in change, along with increased regulatory requirements, has increased strain on our control…
  • Blog
    December 6, 2021
    CFOs serve as a critical filter to the board of directors. And filter they must, due to the complex array of strategic risks boards expect their companies to monitor. CFOs’ expanding scope of responsibilities, strategic partnership with the CEO, and risk- and control-centric mindset enable them to pinpoint the pivotal aspects of threats to, and opportunities for, the enterprise that require the…
  • Blog
    December 7, 2021
    City or population center? Greg Clark, Group Advisor, Future Cities & New Industries at HSBC Group, suggests in a recent article for VISION by Protiviti that we embrace the latter term because it more aptly describes what cities are: places where people are concentrated. More than that, Clark sees the world’s population centers as playing a crucial role in our planet’s future — and that their…
  • Blog
    December 8, 2021
    CFOs and finance leaders are focusing more time, expertise and innovation on their organization’s environmental, social and governance (ESG) and Human Capital investments and reporting. Not only do ESG and Human Capital metrics and measurement rank among the higher priorities for CFOs and finance leaders, according to Protiviti’s latest global survey of CFOs and finance leaders, but these areas…
  • Blog
    December 9, 2021
    Looking out over the next 12 months as well as the next decade, board members and C-suite executives all across the planet see a risky environment. There are concerns related to the pandemic; the future of work and the workplace; talent acquisition, retention and succession; disruptive innovation, new competitors and sustaining customer loyalty; the economy; regulatory change; utilizing…
  • Blog
    December 10, 2021
    Major disruptions in the global supply chain due to pandemic-driven labor and material shortages, catastrophic weather events, shipping port logjams, and the resulting spikes in commodity prices, elongated lead times, and capacity constraints, have dominated the headlines over the past two years. With recognition that future disruptions are inevitable, more companies, including oil and gas…
  • Blog
    December 13, 2021
    The next generation of internal audit is focused on dynamically identifying and responding to the organization’s needs, and as such is advancing across the healthcare industry. In order to keep up, companies will need to adopt an agile audit approach. Quickly turning data into accurate, actionable information is key to moving forward into the next generation of internal audit. The traditional…
  • Blog
    December 14, 2021
    Price transparency empowers consumers to make better-informed financial decisions about their healthcare. On June 24, 2019, then President Trump signed Executive Order (EO) 13877, Improving Price and Quality Transparency in American Healthcare to Put Patients First, but for a variety of reasons, compliance has been slow in coming. As of January 1, 2021, each hospital operating in the United…
  • Blog
    December 15, 2021
    Government policies surrounding public health practices and market conditions imposed by COVID-19 continued to create challenges for many organizations in the consumer products and services (CPS) industry in 2021. Nonetheless, CPS companies remained resilient and innovative, creating enhanced digital customer experiences, introducing new loyalty programs, and implementing tools and processes to…
  • Blog
    June 9, 2021
    Manufacturing and distribution (M&D) leaders across the globe are focused on positioning their companies to compete in a post-pandemic recovery and keep pace with the accelerating transition to Industry 4.0. But as they do, many worry that a long-standing, industrywide issue could hold their business back: the struggle to hire and retain skilled talent. In the latest top-risks survey…