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  • Whitepaper
    April 21, 2022
    DSS 4.0 addresses rapidly evolving threat environment and provides flexibility for how organisations can achieve compliance On March 31, 2022, the PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) released a new version of the PCI Data Security Standard (DSS). PCI DSS 4.0 is the first revision to the DSS in almost four years. It represents a major update to the standard as the payments industry faces an…
  • Podcast
    February 11, 2022
    Welcome to the inaugural edition of Protiviti’s Board Perspectives podcast series, in which we delve into numerous challenges and areas of interest for boards of directors.In this episode, our focus is on environmental, social and governance (ESG) – specifically, how organisations are judged! One of the most challenging aspects of ESG for board members is understanding what’s become a complicated…
  • Whitepaper
    April 29, 2022
    The Ukrainian refugee crisis More than 5 million refugees – greater than 10% of the country’s population – have fled from Ukraine in the two months since the Russian invasion, about 90% are women and children. The number of refugees already rank the Ukrainian refugee crisis among the top five refugee crises in recent times, and there is no indication that the migration is ending.   The…
  • Chez Protiviti, nous voulons proposer une expérience exceptionnelle à  nos clients. Plus que du conseil, nous apportons une solution opérationnelle adaptée aux exigences et besoins des entreprises pour leur permettre d’atteindre leurs objectifs.  Nos solutions :  Amélioration de la performance des entreprises  Transformation digitale  Audit interne et conseils…
  • The FAIR Institute is a non-profit organisation dedicated to advancing the discipline of measuring and managing information risk. Its Factor Analysis of Information Risk (FAIR) has emerged as the international standard model for understanding, analysing, and quantifying information risk in financial terms. The Institute and its 6,000+ member community focus on innovation, education, and sharing…
  • Flash Report
    November 1, 2023
    In this Flash Report, we summarise the key directives contained in the executive order, address key takeaways and concerns for organisations to consider, and outline steps businesses can take to prepare for changes in the AI regulatory landscape.
  • Whitepaper
    April 25, 2022
    In the novel Tell the Machine Goodnight, Katie Williams tells the story of Pearl, a technician for Apricity Corporation, which has developed a machine that “uses a sophisticated metric, taking into account factors of which we are not consciously aware,” and with 99.7% accuracy, offers recommendations for what will make people happy. Does this narrative provide a glimpse into our future? Will…
  • Whitepaper
    December 9, 2022
    With digital transformation remaining a top priority for organisations across industries, business and IT leaders around the world continue to work toward optimising their value extraction of cloud-based technologies and infrastructure. While the myriad operational benefits may be well known, many businesses are learning that cloud optimisation is a process of maturation that occurs over time.…
  • Client Story
    July 12, 2018
    Even under normal conditions, creating a global supply chain capability from scratch is a complex and grueling endeavor. When a large U.S. retailer made a strategic decision to develop this ability — which included securing new overseas suppliers for tens of thousands of products, satisfying all customs requirements and creating a nationwide distribution capability — in less than six months, the…
  • Newsletter
    November 16, 2020
    With the sudden onset of a worldwide pandemic, companies have had to accelerate their efforts to transform themselves digitally. How can boards and their companies best leverage digital transformation to compete and thrive in a brave new world? At a recent NACD Master Class programme for active directors, one session contrasted the expected churn in the S&P 500 today versus 50 years ago.*…