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  • Leadership
    Carol is Protiviti's Global Consumer Products and Services Industry Lead. She is responsible for setting Protiviti’s strategy to provide industry specific solutions to our clients as they transform their business. Strategic areas of focus include e commerce, omnichannel, user/customer/employee experience, finance transformation, digital supply chain including inventory management /loss prevention…
  • Leadership
    Meghan is a Managing Director in the Risk and Compliance practice and co-leads the Operational Risk Management segment. Her client experience includes large and regional banks as well as domestic and internationally active insurers. Meghan has assisted financial service organisations by developing enterprise and operational risk management strategies and governance frameworks, developing and…
  • Leadership
    Jenna is a Managing Director in Protiviti’s Financial Services practice focusing in the Risk and Compliance solution. She has worked on numerous engagements impacting key functional areas for large national and global financial institutions. Jenna has extensive programme management experience and has helped clients with the design and implementation of programme infrastructure. In this capacity,…
  • Survey
    February 15, 2024
    Chief financial officers (CFOs) have a unique vantage point regarding talent management, one that explains why the ability to attract, develop and retain top talent represents their top risk concern in both 2024 and 2034.
  • De nouvelles solutions de prêt ont perturbé les marchés traditionnels du prêt automobile captif, direct et indirect. Les clients utilisent de plus en plus leurs cartes de crédit pour gérer leur endettement et génèrent ainsi des revenus de commissions et d'intérêts perçus, mais peuvent également inonder les institutions de demandes de crédit, d'augmentations des limites de crédit, de litiges et de…
  • Survey
    May 9, 2023
    Organisations today spend an average of 30% of their IT budgets and invest a fifth of their IT human resources on technical debt management. This research, based on a global survey of more than 1,000 CIOs, CTOs and other technology leaders, underscores the burden created by technical debt and likely is an eye-opener for the CFO.[1] As organisations strive to increase their focus, and time and…
  • Podcast
    October 9, 2023
    The results from this year's Global Technology Audit Risks Survey, conducted by Protiviti and The Institute of Internal Auditors, reveal a complex and multifaceted landscape of technology risks. Cybersecurity is the top priority and by a wide margin. AI is an emerging risk with gaps in organisational preparedness and audit proficiency. The talent gap in IT is a growing concern and data privacy is…
  • Flash Report
    July 26, 2023
    Discover PCAOB's 2022 Inspection Observations & tech-auditing trends. Crucial insights for SEC registrants & audit committees. Read the full report here.
  • Solution and Industry
    Protiviti aide les gestionnaires d'actifs à être plus efficaces et efficients tout en tenant compte des risques, en respectant les réglementations, en mettant en place un contrôle efficace et en utilisant les technologies de pointe. Toute organisation peut être exposée à des risques émergents, ce qui rend essentiel pour la direction et les conseils d'administration d'anticiper ces risques.…
  • Solution and Industry
    Today, the manufacturing and distribution industry faces unique and complex challenges on a global scale. Even smaller organisations must navigate suppliers, logistics, and regulations from different parts of the world. As organisations search for ways to drive innovation in how they design, produce, and deliver, they often struggle to implement those changes for long-lasting value.These…