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  • Video

    December 22, 2021
    Michael Brauneis, Financial Services Industry Lead and Managing Director, Protiviti, sits down with Joe Seidel, Chief Operating Officer of SIFMA, to explore climate stress testing for banks. Executive Viewpoints is a special series from SIFMA's 2021 Annual Meeting featuring insightful conversations about the trends and innovations shaping our capital markets. Watch them all at
  • Survey

    October 9, 2023
    Protiviti partnered with The Institute of Internal Auditors to conduct its 11th annual Global Technology Audit Risks Survey in the second and third quarters of 2023.The objective of this survey is to explore the top technology risks organizations face, as perceived by technology audit leaders and professionals. It also explores the practices, processes and tools employed to help enterprises…
  • Whitepaper

    April 27, 2023
    Price transparency compliance continues to elude hospitals two years after its effective date on January 1, 2021. While the Hospital Price Transparency (HPT) rule was met with great debate within the industry, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) continues its initiatives for ensuring greater transparency in healthcare. An audit of price transparency can prompt further compliance…
  • Whitepaper

    August 3, 2022
    Introduction Corporate boards and executive leaders are waking up to a new world with the disconcerting realization that they don’t know what they don’t know about their supply chains. This lack of transparency marks a pivotal and pervasive challenge to the board’s strategic oversight and governance of supply chain risks, and it comes with a heavy price tag. A slew of major supply chain…
  • Whitepaper

    July 23, 2024
    Hospital Price Transparency Rule - CMS has finalized new changes to increase standardization of the machine-readable files (MRF) to help deliver on the promise of hospital price transparency. Ensure that your hospital complies to enhance the public’s ability to access and aggregate information and streamline CMS’s ability to enforce the requirements. 
  • Newsletter

    June 6, 2022
    A year ago, an issue of Board Perspectives focused on why the board should care about quantum computing — what it is, when it will become a reality and what steps companies should take to stay on top of this evolving technology market. Since then, use cases for quantum computing continue to emerge. One of the most misleading phrases found in articles about quantum computing is something like, “…
  • Whitepaper

    June 1, 2022
    A hybrid RBAC, ABAC and PBAC framework is the best practice approach A strong access management program is foundational to establishing a Zero Trust environment by using contextual information to continuously validate that users are who they say they are and by restricting user access to necessary resources only. Within the Zero Trust framework, identity governance and risk-based conditional…
  • Whitepaper

    September 22, 2023
    The adoption of advanced analytical tools and emerging technologies such as AI and ML has continued to gain enterprise adoption across compliance solutions within the financial services industry.
  • Whitepaper

    October 6, 2021
    Cloud is on the rise in financial services and regulators are taking note. The widespread use of cloud service providers (CSPs) in the financial services industry continues to grow. According to a recent study by the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA), 91% of financial services organizations are actively using cloud services today or plan to employ them within six to nine months. That is double the…
  • Newsletter

    January 12, 2023
    Global survey of C-level executives and directors on macroeconomic, strategic and operational risks in 2023 highlights the impact of the economy, people and culture issues, supply chain risks, and technology impacts.