Podcast | Demystifying Carbon Reporting – with Alyse Mauro Mason, Sam Stark and Michael Vigario

In this episode of Board Perspectives, Sam Stark of Green Project and Michael Vigario of ACT Commodities join Protiviti’s Alyse Mauro Mason to discuss emissions reporting and demystify some of the common fears and misinterpretations in the market. They also talk about areas of opportunity for organizations.

Michael joined ACT in its North American infancy. Prior to ACT, he worked at several startups in New York, helping to scale and build the financial functions. Mike started his career at Deloitte and Barclays and is a New York state licensed CPA.

Sam founded Green Project three years ago after working in sustainability at Goldman Sachs. During that time, Sam saw financial institutions struggling to achieve accurate scope three emission calculations from their portfolio companies and suppliers, who tended to be less sophisticated in the greenhouse gas inventory space. Sam founded Green Project to be a more accessible software to help with scope three engagement.

Alyse is an Associate Director with Protiviti and helps lead the firm’s ESG and Sustainability practice.

For more information about Michael, visit his LinkedIn page: www.linkedin.com/in/michael-vigario/.

For more information about Sam, visit his LinkedIn page: www.linkedin.com/in/sam-stark-818616104/.

For more information on this and other ESG topics, visit Protiviti.com/ESG. We also invite you to read our paper, Sustainability FAQ Guide: An Introduction: www.protiviti.com/us-en/research-guide/esg-sustainability-reporting.

Board Perspectives on Apple Podcasts

Board Perspectives, from global consulting firm Protiviti, explores numerous challenges and areas of interest for boards of directors around the world. From environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters to fulfilling the board’s vital risk oversight mandate, Board Perspectives provides practical insights and guidance for new and experienced board members alike. Episodes feature informative discussions with leaders and experts from Protiviti and other highly regarded organisations.
