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  • Newsletter

    October 17, 2023
    The manner that failure is embraced instead of feared in a business can improve the way the company evolves and responds to new market opportunities.
  • Blogs

    August 8, 2022
    As companies come under growing pressure to make measurable, reportable (and reported) progress on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, there is increased demand on business leaders to implement effective sustainability practices that resonate with customers, partners and employees. Technology, media and telecommunications (TMT) companies have not been immune to the pressure.…
  • Blogs

    July 17, 2023
    What’s behind the best data and analytics strategies? Simply stated, it’s the capabilities that allow companies to generate forward-looking insights to proactively drive critical business decisions and propel the business forward to meet strategic goals. Many organisations rely on data scientists who apply their algorithmic magic behind the scenes and ascertain insights from large volumes of…
  • Newsletter

    February 14, 2021
    Our global survey of C-level executives and directors about macroeconomic, strategic and operational risks highlights the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the economy, digital technology, talent and organisational resiliency on the risk landscape over the near term.[1] Our survey captures insights from 1,081 C-level executives and directors, 39% of whom represent companies based in North…
  • Newsletter

    June 12, 2024
    Acute talent shortages across numerous industries underscore the risks emanating from outdated, reactionary approaches to managing people, succession and culture. The question arises, what is the board’s role in forging a 21st-century approach to managing talent?Changing times have led to fleeting employee loyalty, as talented individuals have more options than ever before with greater…
  • Whitepaper

    April 22, 2020
    What happens to your finance organisation – specifically, the critical processes, activities, reporting and deadlines for which you’re responsible – when your team is suddenly unavailable, unable to work in the office or remotely? Such situations have unfolded with blinding speed during the COVID-19 global pandemic. However, they can just as easily result from other potential emergencies that…
  • Client Story

    May 19, 2023
    A joint team of quantum computing engineers and financial analysts at this industry leader in digital financial services, led by a forward-thinking CIO, knew they wanted to take advantage of quantum computing to solve unique challenges that could not be handled with classical computing alone.   This company sees value in preparing to be “at the ready” when quantum computing machines become more…
  • Whitepaper

    July 1, 2021
    This companion white paper provides more complete coverage of the topic addressed in Issue 141 of Board Perspectives and on NACD/BoardTalk.A facilitated discussion with active directors at a recent National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) event in the United States focused on the significance of agility as an important driver of success in a mercurial environment — and how, for many…
  • Newsletter

    January 10, 2024
    Conducted in partnership with the NC State ERM Initiative, our global survey of C-level executives and directors highlights the influence of economic headwinds, talent issues, emerging technologies, cyber threats and geopolitical events on the 2024 risk landscape. This issue of Board Perspectives discusses the 10 highest-rated risk themes noted in the survey to provide a context for understanding…
  • Flash Report

    March 9, 2023
    The White House recently released a comprehensive national cybersecurity strategy that is sure to have a major impact on government agencies as well as private businesses. The Biden-Harris Administration has been percolating a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy for some time and in early March released the aptly named “National Cybersecurity Strategy.” The 35-page document was created to help…