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  • Newsletter
    May 4, 2023
    1 big thing: Where are the culture strategies? Consider this: If culture eats strategy for breakfast, why do some organisations continue to respond to labor shortages and economic contractions with salary increases, staff reductions and other snack-sized, often short-sighted actions?
  • Blogs
    April 21, 2023
    Senior leaders focused on cybersecurity recognise there is considerable guidance, best practices, frameworks, regulations and varied opinions on how programmes should design defensive capabilities. In addition, depending on the day, the various pressures in the organisation’s macro-environment may be greater or lesser and invite different priorities for time, team and budget. Despite…
  • Podcast
    March 6, 2024
    Quantum computing needs error-corrected, logical qubits to exit the noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) era and bring real advantage to practical business and other use cases. A recent experiment at Harvard succeeded at creating 48 logical qubits on a neutral atom platform, and the techniques will be implemented in production systems in the future. We may have 100 logical qubits by 2026! Join…
  • Blogs
    February 29, 2024
    While the various forms of artificial intelligence (AI) have captured the imagination of nearly everyone in the business world, generative AI (GenAI) is rapidly becoming the hottest new kid on the block. We’ve seen the terms AI and GenAI being used synonymously but there are many types of AI. GenAI is the latest one and represents the ability of a model to create novel output. GenAI is a big…
  • Blogs
    April 26, 2024
    The role of a cyber incident responder is more critical than ever as these professionals are tasked with protecting organisations from cyber threats, mitigating risks and minimising the impact of security incidents. As cyber threats continue to proliferate, targeting organisations of all sizes and sectors, it is imperative for cyber incident response (CIR) teams to be well prepared at mitigating…
  • Blogs
    May 17, 2024
    These turbulent times of evolving threats and rising personal responsibility considerations for cybersecurity leaders make the CISO role a challenging but rewarding position. The CISO must contend with an increasing sophistication of attacks, potential geopolitical adversaries and the material impact cybersecurity can have on organisational value. Whether it’s a new CISO or a seasoned…
  • Blogs
    February 23, 2024
    In today’s interconnected world, where adversaries seem to always be one step ahead, companies face an increasingly complex threat landscape. One of the most challenging and often overlooked threats is the dark web, an intentionally hidden part of the internet where threat actors can operate with a greater sense of anonymity. To adequately protect assets, companies need to do more than merely…
  • Blogs
    June 19, 2023
    Penetration testing and red teaming are essential cybersecurity practices that bolster an organisation’s security posture by uncovering vulnerabilities within their systems, networks, and people or business processes. These methodologies have distinct objectives, scopes, approaches and technologies employed.
  • Blogs
    June 30, 2023
    This blog post was authored by Justin Turner - Director, Security and Privacy on the technology insights blog. Anyone who has spent a significant amount of time in any U.S. state where college football is popular, has likely seen a “house divided” bumper sticker or license plate cover, with contrasting university logos. Many of us (and our friends and families) enjoy spirited rivalries (Roll…
  • Blogs
    May 17, 2024
    An SAP S/4HANA transformation project has many risks that need to be managed and often, it is difficult for the project team operating day to day on detailed tasks to “see the forest for the trees.” The PMO has intimate knowledge of the key processes and risks associated with the project and, as such, is in an ideal position to develop mitigation strategies in collaboration with the system…