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  • Infographic
    May 14, 2024
    Finance leaders in the retail and consumer packaged goods (CPG) industries are leading their organisations’ efforts to navigate today’s uncertain market environment. Whether it is dealing with inflation or supply-chain disruptions, the leaders are stepping outside their comfort zones to provide strategic guidance across all facets of the business.
  • Infographic
    May 9, 2024
    Identify top risks in wealth & asset management: inflation, market volatility, cyber risks, and more shaping the industry's future.
  • Infographic
    July 11, 2023
    Protiviti's latest research shows that consumer packaged goods (CPG) and retail companies recognise the urgency of innovation and have a clear strategy to maximise the value of IT. Learn more about the industry results of Protiviti’s inaugural Global Technology Survey: Retail and CPG Companies Accelerate Innovation Amid Regulatory Pressures, Resistance to ChangeDownload Infographic
  • Infographic
    December 21, 2023
    Unlocking the full potential of 5G technology requires understanding of the diverse real-world applications it offers across various industries. Organisations can harness this revolutionary technology to drive innovation, enhance their services, and seize new business opportunities. By exploring use cases across industries, leaders can gain insights into how to best cater to the unique needs of…
  • Insights paper
    March 15, 2024
    A shift in mindset to a strategic sourcing strategy anticipates and mitigates supply chain risk while improving resilience and responsiveness, still aiming to reduce total cost of ownership.
  • Podcast
    June 6, 2024
    In September 2023, California legislators passed the first mandatory climate disclosure bills in the United States. Governor Gavin Newsom signed the two climate-impact reporting measures into law on October 7, 2023. The measures are expected to have far-reaching effects not only for the U.S.-based businesses that are required to comply but also for their trading partners around the world.In this…
  • These words reflect the people who make up our Protiviti team. Across the globe, we are committed to making a difference for one another, for our clients, and for the communities where we live and work. People are Protiviti’s greatest asset. We bring our unique and exceptional talents from a wide variety of backgrounds. Every day, we deliver our mission of bringing confidence in a dynamic world…
  • Newsletter
    June 21, 2024
    Can financial institutions manage effectively in a world where issues and breaches are known to regulators before the chief compliance officer or anyone else in the organization even learns about them? Are Compliance departments — and the institutions they serve — prepared to keep pace with the regulators’ efforts to develop data-driven insights? Or will they find themselves continually on the…
  • Client Story
    October 12, 2021
    As internal audit functions are challenged to adopt more agile methodologies and provide deeper and more strategic insights, often in real-time or near real-time, audit leaders are looking for enabling technology that will help them meet these new and growing demands.
  • Whitepaper
    July 27, 2022
    Robotic process automation (RPA) was first used to execute predetermined, rules-based tasks twenty or so years ago. Since then, RPA has functioned as a virtual workforce for businesses, which benefit from its power to collect data, execute processes rapidly and unerringly, and facilitate higher levels of quality — while enhancing customer satisfaction.We’ve previously addressed at length the…