Newsroom Protiviti’s Newsroom offers members of the press up-to-date information about Protiviti, including key company facts, the latest press releases and points of contact for inquiries. In addition, this section includes highlights of recent media coverage. PROTIVITI FACT SHEETLearn More Show: Press Releases Media Coverage Select date: Year Year202520242023202220212020201920182016 Month MonthJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember 262 Results Available October 26, 2020 CFO Role Expands Amid Pandemic, According to New Protiviti Survey October 15, 2020 Protiviti Launches New ‘Privacy as a Service’ Offering Amid Heightened Security Concerns October 6, 2020 Protiviti’s Matthew Moore and Daniel O’Keefe Honored by Consulting Magazine October 1, 2020 Protiviti’s New Edition of “Internal Auditing Around the World” Finds Today’s Top Chief Audit Executives Driven to Innovate September 16, 2020 Protiviti Named One of the Best Companies for Working Mothers and for Working Dads