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  • Blogs

    July 6, 2022
    Digital transformation in finance has been on the docket for years. So, why do organisations still struggle? The status quo is filled with manual, spreadsheet-driven workflows and fractured application ecosystems that may have been caused by failed attempts at digital transformation — and significant investments alone will not guarantee success. These issues have led to reduced data integrity…
  • Flash Report

    November 30, 2022
    For the latest on CSRD, click here.On 28 November, 2022 the European Union (EU) Council (“Council”) gave its final approval to the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), which will require new, standardised and detailed sustainability reporting by companies. The CSRD represents a significant expansion from the earlier Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD), which it replaces, and…
  • Blogs

    April 26, 2024
    In the rapidly changing landscape of modern business, the role of the cloud has become pivotal in achieving success. However, it’s no secret that companies face an array of cloud-related challenges daily. These challenges, whether acknowledged or not, can significantly impact future revenues and overall technical debt. From the necessity of infrastructure automation to the realms of scalability,…
  • Whitepaper

    June 21, 2022
    The flexible labour model is on the rise for finance organisations, and there is no going back. A year ago, findings from Protiviti’s global survey of CFOs and finance leaders showed that the use of a new finance labour model helped organisations respond to the COVID-19 pandemic’s disruptions with greater speed and agility. The results of this year’s survey confirm this long-term trend: Finance…
  • Whitepaper

    November 24, 2022
    Why technology companies should care about the EU’s Digital Services Act A new and dramatic approach to regulating big technology firms is coming into force across the European Union. The Digital Services Act (DSA), which the European Council signed into law on September 15, 2022, aims to protect the digital space against the spread of illegal content, particularly on social networks, content…
  • Blogs

    June 19, 2022
    The finance labor model of the future has passed a major test – and it was a massive one. The results of Protiviti’s latest global survey of CFOs and finance leaders show that finance organisations which leverage a diverse talent pool of full-time employees, contract and temporary workers, expert external consultants, and managed services and outsourcing providers are able to respond to external…
  • Flash Report

    April 27, 2022
    The New Finance Labor Model Proves Its Real-World ValueThe finance labor model of the future has passed a major test – and it was a massive one. The results of Protiviti’s latest global survey of CFOs and finance leaders show that finance organisations which leverage a diverse talent pool of full-time employees, contract and temporary workers, expert external consultants, and managed services and…
  • Whitepaper

    March 19, 2021
    Skills and Scale: The New Finance Labor Model Proves Its Real-World Value The finance labor model of the future has passed a major test – and it was a massive one. The results of Protiviti’s latest global survey of CFOs and finance leaders show that finance organisations which leverage a diverse talent pool of full-time employees, contract and temporary workers, expert external consultants, and…
  • Client Story

    March 10, 2023
    United Way of Greater Toronto (UWGT), with an overriding mission to eradicate poverty, has successfully mobilised volunteers and financial resources to care for the needy in its communities since 1973. Today it’s the largest non-governmental supporter of social services in the region with a network of 300 agencies that meet urgent human needs and improve social conditions for more than two…
  • Flash Report

    March 9, 2023
    The White House recently released a comprehensive national cybersecurity strategy that is sure to have a major impact on government agencies as well as private businesses. The Biden-Harris Administration has been percolating a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy for some time and in early March released the aptly named “National Cybersecurity Strategy.” The 35-page document was created to help…