David James

Managing Director

David is a managing director with over 30 years’ experience. He is the business performance improvement lead at Protiviti with experience in financial services, supplier management, global resourcing, operations, third party risk management, and transformation. As Regional Head of Supplied Services, Asia Pacific Operations, he was responsible for managing key supplier performance and vendor risk across 350 contracts and circa USD$100m of external spend. Prior to this, David played a lead role globally in defining and translating HSBC business requirements in to local, standard, executable services.

Recent experience

  • Programme Director Protiviti / Head of the Local Execution Office for HSBC HK
    • Reporting to the Chief Operating Officer and Head of Remediation Management Office. Led the 6 month review of Financial Crime Risk coordinating activity across lines of business and functions and the externally appointed Skilled Person Team.
  • Regional Head of Supplied Services, Asia Pacific
    • Reporting to the Global Head of Supplied Services and Regional Head of Operations ASP, deploying globally consistent operational models and services in 19 ASP countries to improve customer experience, streamline end to end customer journeys, deliver sustainable cost savings and mitigate risk. Leading over 800 employees and a cost centre of US$150m.
    • Delivered USD$6.5m of savings in 2015, 2016 and 2017 through paper to electronic customer communications; outsourcing print and scanning operations to industry experts; improving cash replenishment and vault operations in Hong Kong and ASP; managing key supplier performance and vendor risk (over 350 contracts and USD$100m of spend)
  • Global Head of Planning and Support, Business Services
    • Reporting to the Global Head of Business Services, translating business requirements in to executable services, designing and deploying consistent operational models and services across HSBC Group entities to drive greater customer experience and sustainable cost savings. 
    • Achieved a 5% net cost reduction on a $3bn operation, an overall cost reduction of 13% after absorbing inflation and volume growth, at the same time increasing Business Partner satisfaction and alignment to the Global Business strategy and proposition for key markets
  • Project Director, Centre Management, Strategy and Planning
    • Operational responsibility for 2000 FTE. Direct management of over 600 Customer Service Operations staff serving UK and US Operations. Service levels exceeded, maintained or brought back in line, across 8 business areas.
    • Transitioned over 900 FTE of global business from US, UK, Asia Pac and Middle East

Areas of expertise

  • Banking
  • Financial Services
  • Supplier Management
  • Global Resourcing
  • Operations
  • Third Party Risk Management
  • Transformation 
  • Luma Certified Practitioner in Human Centered Design Thinking