Data Architecture and Engineering Services

Enable cutting-edge and pragmatic data architecture.

Data is changing the way we do business across all industries. Organisations are harnessing the power of data to improve processes, drive new business opportunities, and increase competitive advantage. 

We provide services to design, source, transform and analyse data to empower your business to become an analytics-driven organisation. Delivering a combination of strategic vision, proven expertise, and practical experience, we collaborate to meet your data architecture and cloud engineering needs.  

Empower your business to be analytics-driven

Enable a modern data architecture in the cloud

Pro Briefcase

Data Architecture Services

Leveraging our experience in leading database platforms, development methodologies and techniques, we design modern data architectures. Our expertise includes OLTP, data warehousing, analytics, structured, unstructured, relational, and NoSQL data.

Pro Building office

Data Infrastructure Services

Do you need to modernise your data infrastructure? The data infrastructure you choose can impact cost, performance, and security. Let our experts guide you to the best infrastructure solution that balances these attributes on-premises or in the cloud.

Pro Document Consent

Data Pipeline Services

Automating and accelerating your end-to-end data pipeline is a key strategy in alleviating bottlenecks and improving time to market. We create best-practices-based, streaming or batch ETL/ELT frameworks on a variety of cloud platforms to ensure your data is flowing properly.

Pro Document Files

Data Application Services

Data products and data applications are key to enabling and governing your business strategy. Through a variety of software development and engineering platforms, we build data products and applications to meet your unique business needs.

Pro Document Stack

Data Storage Services

Enterprise data architectures are enabled by an infrastructure strategy whether on-premises or cloud. We provide high-performing storage designs and implementations for data lakes and data warehouses supporting both operational and analytical data workloads.

Pro Legal Briefcase

Data Backup and Recovery Services

A data backup and recovery strategy is vital to running a successful business. You never know when the worst can happen. Our experts provide data backup and recovery testing strategies, methodologies, and testing models as part of Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR) planning.

Pro Rightmark Square

DataOps Services

Data doesn’t always like to travel. We can help you keep up with changing data infrastructure and pipeline needs through real-time data insights with a deployment pipeline that provides source control, easy movement within environments, and automated deployment and testing.


Key partners

Our technology consulting professionals become your trusted advisors, providing insight and strategic vision through a unique blend of technical proficiency, project experience, and business knowledge. We leverage emerging technologies and methodologies to deliver results that drive performance and growth while managing risks.


Michael Pang
Michael is a managing director with over 20 years’ experience. He is the IT consulting practice leader for Protiviti Hong Kong and Mainland China. His experience covers cybersecurity, data privacy protection, IT strategy, IT organisation transformation, IT risk, post ...

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