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Client Story

June 4, 2024

Offshore Drilling Firm Finds Major Savings Through Source-To-Pay Assessment, Spend Analysis, Category Management

Protiviti conducted a complete source-to-pay assessment, from spend analysis and contract management to procurement function governance; implemented a spend analytics platform to conduct analysis to create a sourcing wave plan; implemented a category management function and led sourcing events to drive savings.
Healthcare organisations are under growing pressure to meet compliance obligations, maintain profit margins, optimise the revenue cycle functions and reduce risk. Most risks in the healthcare industry are exacerbated by provider organisations performing a variety of services and having decentralised operations across multiple states — risks audit and compliance functions must address. Some organisations try to build…
Apparel company enhances key processes, customer experience using insights from shoppers’ digital sentimentsBusinesses generate vast amounts of data every single day, mostly so-called dark data or information that go unused. Long before the current pandemic-driven e-commerce boom, a search technology firm estimated that 7.5 septillion gigabytes of data were generated by businesses worldwide each day.That number has…
Solving complex identity and access management issues for an organisation often requires finesse, collaboration and the ability to creatively meet the needs of all aspects of the business with a single solution. One global biopharmaceutical company discovered the power of collaboration as it worked to replace an existing access management implementation, harmonising two distinct populations(enterprise and…
In the fiercely competitive credit card industry, banks struggle to grow their brands by differentiating their cards from all the others. Many try to do this through low rates, giveaways and various partnerships. However, the most visionary among banks understand that customer experience (CX) is at the center of success and is the engine to grow their brand. A large global bank — a Protiviti client — wanted more…
A global insurance company — like so many other businesses — had come to rely on a service provider in India for finance operations support. It had no plan to change that arrangement. Then COVID struck. One week before 2020’s first-quarter closing, the Indian government prohibited workers from leaving their homes. This ruling lasted for 21 days as the nation struggled to limit its COVID infection rate.
Organisations in the managed healthcare sector contend with ongoing claims payment challenges, among many others. Fragmented systems, manual claim auditing, payment errors and tedious reporting drain countless employee hours, and relentless regulatory demands bring pressures daily. As a result, managed care companies are understandably thirsty for ways to relieve the claims audit burden, even as many of them are not…
As internal audit functions are challenged to adopt more agile methodologies and provide deeper and more strategic insights, often in real-time or near real-time, audit leaders are looking for enabling technology that will help them meet these new and growing demands.
Today’s corporate trailblazers have to go beyond responding to change — they must anticipate and be ready for it, even be the change agents themselves. The chief audit executive of one of the largest global pharmaceutical companies headquartered in the UK saw her role in these terms when the company needed to redefine its internal structure and strategy to respond more effectively to market needs. The company’s…
Complex revenue arrangements, multiple services and a plethora of payment options create a tangled web for healthcare companies — a web they must untangle to properly account for revenue, especially if they are part of a portfolio or considering a public offering on their own. Adding pressure to complexity, today’s regulatory environment continues to place greater compliance requirements — including sweeping reform…
Companies experiencing rapid growth frequently find it difficult to scale their operations at a pace that fully supports the expanding business. For one healthcare company in particular, that task became even more challenging last year when a global pandemic ushered in remote working and further separated intensely data-centric functions that happened to be siloed in the first place.