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  • Blog
    February 14, 2022
    Nearly two-thirds (64%) of C-suite and board members agree that the role of cities for business will only increase during the next decade. That’s just one key finding from a recent University of Oxford-Protiviti survey, in which 200 global business leaders shared their perspectives on how cities fit into their business strategy looking out to 2030 and beyond. Most business leaders view cities as…
  • Blog
    October 21, 2013
  • Blog
    October 28, 2013
    Since predictive algorithms are really just mathematical formulas that can be applied to many different problems, many organizations have a difficult time understanding how they can be applied and implemented within their existing Business Intelligence environment. Fortunately, SAP provides several tools that offer an end-to-end solution for generating and visualizing analysis sets, fitting…
  • Blog
    November 5, 2013
    Part 1 - Data Governance Defined Data Governance: You've probably heard the buzz about this topic that is becoming a larger part of many IT conversations. But similar to the vague term "Big Data" these days, just what exactly is data governance? Is it a piece of software that one can simply buy off the shelf? And what are the benefits that one can expect to receive by implementing it? Chances…
  • Blog
    November 7, 2013
  • Blog
    November 11, 2013
    Metadata is essential to well documented ETL processes. Ideally, this metadata starts with the source system table and column descriptions and other system specific information. When this information is not available directly inside of Data Services, retrieving it manually can fill in the gaps and help your users get a complete map of how data arrives in the warehouse. Generally, the lack of…
  • Blog
    December 2, 2013
    No. Not a new gun law. Instead, these bullets give us the ability to visualize a quantitative measure compared to a target and a qualitative range of performance values. A bullet chart was originally designed to replace gauges and dials that can take up too much space on a dashboard view. If you have not used them, I would encourage you to incorporate them as a report visualization element. In BI…
  • Blog
    December 3, 2013
    The 2013 Data Geek Challenge finalist are in! Data Geeks from all over the world joined this years challenge to fight the Lord of Dark Data. With over 150 submissions, each category was narrowed down to only 3 finalist. Decision First Technologies is proud to announce that Hillary Bliss has been named one of SAP Lumira's Data Geek Finalist. You can review each submission and cast your vote by…
  • Blog
    December 3, 2013
    The 2013 Data Geek Challenge finalist are in! Data Geeks from all over the world joined this years challenge to fight the Lord of Dark Data. With over 150 submissions, each category was narrowed down to only 3 finalist. Decision First Technologies is proud to announce that Hillary Bliss has been named one of SAP Lumira's Data Geek Finalist. You can review each submission and cast your vote by…
  • Blog
    December 4, 2013