UK Corporate Reform Although the timeline for the regulation to come into force and the requirements for UK ICFR are not established, the premium listed companies and Public Interest Entities (PIE) mentioned in the ‘Restoring trust in audit and corporate governance’ consultation are the most likely to be impacted by the reforms.We can help you prepare for the upcoming regulation and stay ahead of the change, bringing the benefit of latest methods and technologies and all lessons learned from over two decades of controls compliance experience.Protiviti has delivered thousands of projects to establish and/or sustain their Internal Controls over Financial Reporting (ICFR) programmes. Our experience ranges from year one builds to transforming existing ICFR programmes, ongoing assistance, and lifting and shifting the entire programme to minimise the cost. Helping you plan, prepare for, and deliver efficient, effective and sustainable compliance UK Internal Controls Reform Key Questions to Consider Now: Pro Document Consent Are You Listed or Plan to Be? Is your company currently listed or plan to do so? Pro Briefcase Are Your Prepared? Are you prepared for the potential requirements of the upcoming UK Corporate Reform (e.g., Do you have an internal controls framework in place)? If yes, does it cover key business, technology, compliance, and financial reporting risks? Pro Building office Any Past Issues Identified? Were there any past instances of fraud, financial statement errors or restatements or other significant audit issues identified? Pro Rightmark Square Are You Automated? Are your internal controls automated to the right level to provide a platform for efficient assurance? Pro Document Files Are You Utilising Technology? Are you leveraging data, technology, and automation to manage your internal controls programme? Pro Document Stack Are There Any Major Change Programmes? Are there any planned or ongoing changes that have a long-term impact on the business? Do these programmes consider internal controls in the target future state? Pro Screen System Integration Do You Have an Evaluation Process? Do you have a process in place to routinely evaluate operational effectiveness of your internal controls? Pro Workflow Flowchart Can You Meet the Demands? Do you have the skills and resources to address the requirements of the upcoming internal control reforms? We are global leaders in internal controls and financial reporting compliance, we'll get you ready Our approach Our global network of SOX specialists continually monitors developments and changes within the regulatory landscape. Whilst these new reforms will improve corporate governance and increase investor and public confidence, the advantages of establishing internal controls range far beyond credible financial reporting and compliance.Internal controls improve process performance and steer businesses successfully in times of change and disruption. If companies view this as an opportunity to drive process improvements and gain efficiencies this will help them in realising value from their investments.Protiviti has assisted thousands of global clients to establish and/or enhance their Internal Control programme and our approach to Internal controls is underpinned by our NextGen Internal audit methodology which allows us to leverage a host of technology options to digitilise and automate internal control programme activities. We are global leaders in internal controls and financial reporting compliance, we'll get you ready Key partners Notre équipe Fabrice Ligier Fabrice est Associate Director en charge de la ligne de service Internal Audit & Financial Advisory de Protiviti Paris. Son expérience combinée de chef de département d’audit interne et de Senior Manager en cabinet d’audit lui a permis d'apporter des solutions ... En savoir plus Sébastien Vaillant Sébastien dispose d’une expérience de plus de 15 ans dans le domaine de la gestion des risques, du contrôle interne, ainsi que de l’analyse et l’optimisation des processus. Il a notamment animé une série de téléconférences dédiées à la gestion des risques au sein des ... En savoir plus Bernard Drui Bernard Drui est Managing Director et Country Market Leader chez Protiviti France. Il a plus de 25 ans d'expérience dans le monde des affaires, travaillant avec une variété d'organisations pour améliorer leur performance par la gestion des risques, l'efficacité ... En savoir plus