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  • Podcast Transcript
    November 16, 2021
    D-Wave has been making quantum computers for over a decade, and their annealers excel at optimisation. If you look at the use cases the company has been helping customers with – saving time, money or both - it almost feels like quantum advantage is here. During this podcast, we discuss the power of annealers from D-Wave and how organisations can take advantage of the benefits today. Guest…
  • Podcast Transcript
    April 1, 2020
    This is a series of podcasts on GRC programmes and technologies, obtaining perspectives from Protiviti leaders and subject-matter experts around the world on GRC drivers, innovations and challenges in their markets. This episode features conversation with Protiviti Managing Director Enrico Ferretti and Associate Director Luca Risi, both of whom are with our firm’s Technology Consulting practice…
  • Podcast
    December 1, 2021
    Monte Carlo simulations have been around for quite a while in classical computing, and help companies model “what if scenarios” such as how pricing might change over time. Since 2015, the quantum computing industry has believed Monte Carlo simulations would be one of the best use cases to show quantum advantage. QC Ware was able to prove the feasibility of this…
  • Podcast Transcript
    April 1, 2020
    This is a series of podcasts on GRC programmes and technologies, obtaining perspectives from Protiviti leaders and subject-matter experts around the world on GRC drivers, innovations and challenges in their markets. This episode features conversation with Owen Strijland, a director with Protiviti’s Technology Consulting practice based in Amsterdam. Owen offers his viewpoints on GRC developments…
  • Podcast Transcript
    November 17, 2021
    Guest host Lucy Pearman talks with Donna Timlen, CCO of OneMain Financial – America’s largest installment lender, about their compliance transformation: talent, technology, strategy and a root cause focus.
  • Podcast Transcript
    October 6, 2021
    One of the hottest jobs in quantum computing in the coming years will be that of software engineer. The need for translating complex business needs to quantum algorithms and code will only grow. In this episode we talk to Dr. Anna Hughes from Agnostiq about her unique career path to quantum software engineer. Guest Speaker: Dr. Anna Hughes, Quantum Software Engineer at Agnostiq
  • Podcast Transcript
    October 5, 2022
    Things can get tricky when you try to cram too many qubits onto one quantum processor. Is the best way to build a machine with thousands of qubits actually to connect or “interconnect” many smaller processors together? And can this concept be extended to interconnect several large-scale machines across vast distances? Join host Konstantinos Karagiannis for a chat about the technology that might…
  • Whitepaper
    June 3, 2022
    Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) of high-growth technology companies met virtually to share leading practices, discuss and exchange learnings on challenges, industry trends and topics of mutual interest. The agenda for this small-group meeting, conducted under Chatham House Rule, was created through a series of pre-interviews. Comments from participating CFOs are summarised below.
  • Podcast Transcript
    February 3, 2021
    This podcast accompanies our Executive Perspectives on Top Risks for 2021 and 2030 survey. View the full survey results and more at
  • Podcast Transcript
    January 5, 2021
    In this episode, Kevin Donahue, a senior director with Protiviti speaks with Protiviti's associate director Justin Turner and manager Derek Dunkel-JahanTigh about security for industrial control systems, or operational technology. 