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  • Podcast Transcript
    July 25, 2022
    To kick off our 2022 Risky Women Radio podcast series, Kimberley Cole speaks with Senior Risk and Compliance Leaders at Protiviti, Carol Beaumier and Bernadine Reese about financial services industry compliance priorities for 2022.
  • Podcast
    November 16, 2022
    Quantum computing is built on the ideas of giants. These so-called quantum foundations contain complicated concepts, including entanglement. In fact, the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to three scientists who expanded our understanding of entanglement. How does this key concept work? What are some other fascinating core ideas behind Quantum Information Science? Join host Konstantinos…
  • Flash Report
    November 15, 2022
    Last Friday at the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference, or Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (more commonly referred to as COP27), in Egypt, United States President Joe Biden asserted that global warming posed an existential threat to the planet and promised his country would meet its targets for fighting it. In his speech, he said, “The climate…
  • Infographic
    November 18, 2022
    Whether migrating to cloud-based applications or enhancing data security and privacy or managing workforce disruptions, chief financial officers at technology, media and telecommunications (TMT) organisations are resetting priorities and reimagining their long-term roles. Below are some of the key takeaways from the TMT results of Protiviti's latest Global Finance Trends Survey.
  • Whitepaper
    November 10, 2022
    Nous savons dorénavant que l'impensable peut se produire et qu’il doit être anticipé. Dans ce contexte : Disposez-vous vraiment d’une vision globale des principaux risques qui pèsent sur votre organisation et qui peuvent entraver l’atteinte de vos objectifs ? Pourriez-vous les hiérarchiser et déterminer ceux qui nécessitent d’engager rapidement des actions préventives et de sécurisation…
  • Whitepaper
    November 10, 2022
    Le service de gestion de la continuité d’activité de Protiviti offre des solutions aux entreprises pour les aider dans l'analyse, le développement et la mise en œuvre de plans de continuité d’activité complets afin d’assurer la disponibilité des processus critiques en cas de sinistre. Un nombre croissant de tops managers reconnait la nécessité de planification de la continuité, de la résilience…
  • Podcast
    October 5, 2022
    Using cardinality constraints for portfolio optimization opens the doors to new applications for creating innovative portfolios and exchange-traded-funds (ETFs). All while providing better returns with less market risk.  Host Konstantinos Karagiannis recently co-authored a paper on portfolio optimization with Sam Palmer from Multiverse Computing. Find out how the team was able to outperform…
  • Podcast
    November 2, 2022
    Quantum computing requires quantum networking to reach its full potential. But there are engineering challenges to overcome. Learn about how repeaters that extend entanglement between qubits are really just application-specific quantum computers of their own. Also, learn how connecting these devices will pave the way for interconnect and other advances. Join host Konstantinos Karagiannis for a…
  • Podcast
    October 19, 2022
    Mathematics is one of the most intimidating barriers for those looking to get into quantum coding. Mention linear algebra the next time you want to grind a conversation to a halt. What if there was a resource to learn the necessary mathematics to best prepare for such a career? Join host Konstantinos Karagiannis for a chat with Leonard Woody, the author of an excellent new book, Essential…
  • Podcast Transcript
    February 14, 2023
    Squeezing every bit of performance out of a NISQ-era quantum processor is usually handled in the software stack. But what if you could actually design QPUs for specific types of use cases? Anastasia Marchenkova is working on this approach at Bleximo and the result has been a remarkable boost to speed. Join host Konstantinos Karagiannis for a chat about the possibilities of these application-…