Results for Search Submit Filter by: Advanced Filter All results Solutions Industry Typelist People Client Story Insights/Blogs Filter Search Sort by RelevanceDate Order AscDesc Podcast Transcript September 22, 2021 Transcript | Quantum Computing Interconnect, Memory, and Other Engineering Advances Engineering challenges abound in quantum computing. Technologies like interconnect and improved memory for repeaters will enable these machines to accelerate and power connectivity in the future. Q-NEXT is one of five quantum information science research centers funded by the DOE to help develop these technologies in addition to strengthening the nation’s leadership position in the quantum arms… Podcast Transcript August 26, 2021 TRANSCRIPT | PRIVACY & CONSENT WITH KATIE STEVENS Identity at the Center is a weekly podcast all about identity security in the context of identity and access management (IAM). With a combined 30+ years of IAM experience, hosts Jim McDonald and Jeff Steadman bring you conversations with news, topics, and guests from the identity management industry. Podcast Transcript September 1, 2021 Transcript – Today’s Challenges and Trends for Utilities Like organisations in virtually every industry today, utilities are addressing a number of critical challenges and trends in the market, from infrastructure demands, to calls to improve the customer experience, to talent demands, and much more. How will the future for utilities evolve? In this informative podcast, Peter Tumminello and Claire Gotham offer a number of interesting insights into… Podcast Transcript August 11, 2021 Transcript | Turning High-Level Models into Optimized Quantum Circuits As we begin training and building up the quantum workforce of the future, it’s clear the precious few developers working in these early days will need some help making the most of their time. We’re starting to see a few players in the quantum development tool market. How does the new offering from Classiq compare? Instead of worrying about gate-level coding, the Quantum Algorithm Design (QAD)… Newsletter April 25, 2022 Le bulletin e-invoicing Portées par le contexte international, et avec un double objectif de lutte contre la fraude à la TVA et de digitalisation de l'économie, les réglementations européennes et françaises en matière de facturation ont considérablement évolué ces dernières années. En France, cela s'est traduit par une série de lois et d'ordonnances définissant d'abord les conditions de validité d'une facture… Podcast Transcript June 30, 2021 Transcript | Shortcuts to Coding Quantum with Amazon Braket and QCI Qatalyst Quantum computing is easy to access thanks to services like Amazon Braket. But how long does it take to apply one of these systems to a real-world use case? Sometimes months. Amazon partner Quantum Computing, Inc. (QCI) has launched Qatalyst API to shorten development time on some types of quantum coding … to under a week! Listen in to hear how Amazon is preparing for the future of high-… Podcast Transcript June 25, 2021 Transcript | RegTech Transformation Jo Ann Barefoot Next in our Transformation series, guest host Lucy Pearman talks with Jo Ann Barefoot about RegTech innovation from how regulators are using technology to how financial services need to urgently expand their experimentation and adoption rates. Jo Ann Barefoot is CEO & Cofounder of AIR – the Alliance for Innovative Regulation – and host of the global podcast show Barefoot Innovation. A noted… Whitepaper July 4, 2022 Gestion du risque de corruption Protiviti accompagne les organisations dans la mise en œuvre et dans l’amélioration de leurs dispositifs anti-corruption, notamment dans le cadre des réglementations nationales (Loi Sapin 2) ou internationales (FCPA, UK Bribery Act, etc.) et des nouveaux standards (ISO 37001). Whitepaper July 4, 2022 Enterprise Risk Management Un monde plus risqué que jamais pour les entreprises d’aujourd’hui Les risques pour les entreprises sont aujourd'hui plus importants que jamais. Nous savons dorénavant que l'impensable peut se produire et qu’il doit être anticipé. La protection de vos actifs, la croissance et la continuité de vos activités dépend de votre capacité à anticiper et à gérer vos expositions à des risques dont la… Podcast Transcript June 1, 2022 Transcript | A UK-Based Quantum Computer via Amazon Quantum computing via cloud access feels global, but there are reasons to have these machines located in a particular region. Oxford Quantum Circuits released a quantum computer named Lucy on Amazon Braket that not only helps customers with regulatory concerns, but also brings an exciting new type of transmon technology to the industry. Join host Konstantinos Karagiannis for a chat on the coaxmon… Load More