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  • Solution and Industry
    Supply chains demand flexible, contemporary solutions capable of addressing today’s most complex challenges. From volatile market dynamics to disruptive technologies and ever-changing customer demands, businesses are confronted with numerous obstacles that require innovative strategies to drive value and orchestration across the supply chain.Protiviti’s Supply Chain Innovation Consulting service…
  • Solution and Industry
    Nous combinons sous un pilotage unique des services de conseil, de gestion de projet et d’accompagnement opérationnel en mobilisant des équipes de professionnels hautement qualifiés qui vous aident à faire face aux urgences et à mener à bien vos projets critiques.Consulting and staffing solutions for enterprise-level projects.We provide a unique and flexible delivery model to help you address…
  • Solution and Industry
    The global pandemic may have limited our ability to physically interact with one another, but it did not break our innate need to experience life together. Companies that continue to adapt to this new reality while remaining focused on the human need for personal interaction and memorable experiences will thrive today and tomorrow. At the industry’s resilient core are steadfast companies and…
  • Solution and Industry
    Confrontées à des perturbations et à une pression sur les coûts sans précédent, les compagnies d'assurance doivent relever le défi de répondre aux attentes des clients tout en proposant des produits et des canaux de distribution innovants. Les compagnies d'assurance doivent également répondre à des interrogations sur l’organisation dans l’avenir du travail, à des problèmes de chaîne d'…
  • Leadership
    Scott has over 26 years of experience in consulting and public accounting, providing risk management and audit services to clients predominately in the Hotels, Motels, and Resorts segment of the Hospitality industry. He has significant experience helping hospitality companies understand and manage enterprise risks, including cyber security, third-party, privacy, resilience / continuity of…
  • Leadership
    Scott is the Global Leader of Protiviti’s Emerging Technology Group. Scott and his team enable clients to leverage emerging technologies and methodologies to innovate, while helping organisations transform and succeed by focusing on business value and managing risk. His team specialises in many technological areas including artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, Internet of Things (…
  • Leadership
    Nichole Minice is a managing director in Protiviti’s internal audit and financial advisory practice and the Phoenix office market lead. She has more than 18 years of audit experience in the consumer products and services sector, helping clients to understand and develop ways to manage risks effectively and maximize efficiencies. She specializes in project management, annual risk assessment, audit…
  • In Focus
    July 23, 2024
    Global IT systems are still in reboot and recovery after a software update by cybersecurity vendor CrowdStrike caused a massive worldwide outage of Windows computers. Global businesses, governments and organisations were impacted across several industries, including airlines, banks, telecommunications, and healthcare. While the dust settles on the specifics of the how and the why of the global…
  • Landing Page